10 Full Body Exercises

Full body exercises are those that work the majority of your skeletal muscles together. By building your workout around these types of exercises, you will be getting more bang for your exercise buck. In this article, we’ll present 10 full-body exercises that can be done anywhere with no equipment.

#1: Burpees

  1. Stand with arms by your sides. 

  2. Drop to the floor and kick your feet out behind you so that you are in a push-up position. Immediately bring your feet back in. 

  3. Now jump back up to the start position.

#2: Push Ups

  1. Get down on the floor with your contact points being your palms and toes. Hands should be shoulder-width apart and feet together. Maintain a neutral spine and a straight line from head to foot.

  2. From the top push-up position, lower your torso to the floor until your chest just makes contact.

  3. Push back to the start position.

#3: Shoulder Tap Push Ups

  1. Get down on the floor with your contact points being your palms and toes. Hands should be shoulder-width apart and feet together. Maintain a neutral spine and a straight line from head to foot.

  2. From the top push-up position, lower your torso to the floor until your chest just makes contact.

  3. Now bring your right hand up and across to tap your left shoulder.

  4. On the next rep, bring your left hand up, and tap the right shoulder.

#4: Squats

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands grasped in front of your chest.

  2. Maintaining a neutral spine position, hinge the hips to descend into a parallel squat position.

  3. Push your heels into the floor to return to the start position.

#5: Lunges

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your hips,

  2. Take a large step forward with your right leg. Drop the rear knee as you descend into a lunge position. The rear knee should be about an inch from the floor.

  3. Push through the front thigh to return to the start position. 

#6: Mountain Climbers

  1. Get down in the start push-up position.

  2. Bring your left knee up to meet your left elbow.

  3. Immediately kick your knee back to the start position.

  4. Repeat with the other side.

  5. Alternate this back and forth motion as fast as you can to complete your rep count. 

#7: Plank

  1. Get down in the top push-up position with your elbows locked

  2. Lean your body weight forward slightly.

  3. Hold this position for the allocated time.

  4. You can also do the exercise while resting on your forearms.

#8: Hollow Body Hold

  1. Lie on the floor on your back with your arms extended behind your head and legs out straight.

  2. Form a curve with your body as you bring your arms and legs toward the ceiling and round your spine.

  3. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

#9: Handstand

  1. Get down in a squat position and place your hands on the floor in front of you. 

  2. Move your weight forward as you bring your feet off the floor. Your weight will now be resting on your hands.

  3. Bring your legs up until they are straight.

  4. Hold this handstand position for the required length of time.

#10: Renegade Row

  1. Holding a pair of dumbbells, get down in the top push-up position. 

  2. Row the left-hand dumbbell up to your ribcage level.

  3. Lower and repeat with the right-hand dumbbell.

Wrap Up

Select four of five of these exercises to create your one full-body workout. Do 4 sets of each, with reps in the 15-20 range. Do this 2-3 times per week for the best strength and muscle gain results. 


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