15 Minute Arm Workout

Most people want strong arms. For most of them that means focusing on the biceps. However, if you want truly impressive arms you need to give equal attention to all three muscle groups that comprise the upper limb:

  • Biceps

  • Triceps

  • Forearms

Here is a no frills 15 minute workout that will blast all 3 of those muscle groups in less than 15 minutes to give you an unbelievable arm pump and get those guns loaded for the summer.

The Exercises

  • Alternate Cable Curl

  • Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension

  • Reverse Curl

The Method

You will move through these three fundamental arm builders in superset fashion. That means that you move from one to the other with absolutely no rest between them. Supersetting ramps up the intensity and really engorges the working muscle with blood. Your arms are going to feel powerful and pumped at the end of the workout - and they will grow like crazy with proper nutrition afterwards!

You will divide your 15 minute workout into three 5 minute divisions. In each 5 minute unit, you will complete one three exercise superset. Aim to spend 45 seconds on each set. That should get the superset done in 2-3 minutes, so that you’ll have a full two minutes to recover before your next superset. You’ll need that time to recover so you can give full effort to the next set.

Exercise Descriptions

1. Alternate Cable Curl
Set a double cable pulley machine to its lowest setting. Grab the cables and stand a few feet in front of the machine, facing away from it. In this position, your hands should be just behind your torso. Now curl your right arm up to your shoulder, squeezing the bicep tightly in the top position. Lower and repeat with the left arm.

2. Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Lie on a flat bench with a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Raise your arms directly above your chest. Bend at the elbows to bring the dumbbells down to the side of your head. Come all the way down and then extend the triceps to return to the start position. Be sure to keep your elbows in at your sides throughout the movement.

3. Reverse Curls
Stand with a barbell held at arm’s length in a reverse grip (palms facing you). Curl the bar up so that your knuckles come up to your shoulders. Lower and repeat. Be sure to keep your elbows in at your sides throughout the movement. 

The Workout

  • Alternate Cable Curls - 3 x 15 / 10/ 8

  • Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension - 3 x 15 / 12 / 10

  • Reverse Curl - 3 x 15 / 10 / 8

On each succeeding set, increase the weight as you lower the reps. The last 2-3 reps should be extremely challenging, with your last rep being the last that you could completely without your form breaking down.

Wrap Up

Do this 15-minute arms workout twice per week, with 3-4 days between workouts and you will see some pretty impressive gains in strength and size. Just remember to give your body plenty of protein, carbs and rest between workouts so that it can turn your hard work into solid muscle gains.




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