15 Minute Bodyweight Core Workout


Your core is the center of your body. It is your power base and the vital link between your upper and lower body. Keeping it strong, flexible and toned will make you a far more efficient human being. In this article, we provide you with an awesome 15 minute workout that can be done at home anytime with nothing but the body you were born with.

The Core Exercises

Twisting Pistons
Get down into a plank position, resting on your elbows and your toes, with feet together. Keeping your butt down, bring both feet up to the left toward your left elbow. Immediately kick them back and then up toward the right knee. Continue this fluid piston-like motion until your prescribed number of reps has been achieved.

Starfish Crunch
Lie spread-eagled on the floor with your arms and legs stretched out starfish style. Now, without bending your knees, attempt to bring your right hand and left foot into contact with each other. You should only be lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. Feel a deep contraction in the abs in the top position. Return to the start position and repeat with the other side.

Two Leg Bridge
Lie on your back with bent knees bent. Perform a light tuck of your pelvis, making your lower back flat and depressing your lower ribs. Focus on holding this posture. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up while also pressing down with your heels. Stop when you feel like you are unable to control your hips. The height is not important with this exercise, so do not try to go too high. When this is well controlled, add a resistance band to your knees. Make sure that your knees stay as wide as your feet. Hold the top position for two to three seconds with each rep.

90 / 90 Holds
Start on your back with your feet on a wall. The wall will help you get into the right position for this. Your arms and legs should be flexed at 90 degrees. Place your arms straight at your sides and lightly press them into the ground. You should notice that your core activates. Focus on tilting your pelvis backward, lightly flattening your spine to the ground, and keeping your lower rib cage down. Pull your feet off the wall and hold this posture. If you are unable to hold this position, pull your knees a little more toward you. If it is too easy, you can drift your legs away slightly.

Leg Reach in Supine
Start in the same 90/90 position but with your arms also flexed at 90 degrees and pointing toward the ceiling. Perform alternating and opposite arm/leg reaches. Make sure to keep your core tight and hips and spine in place.

The Workout

  • Twisting Pistons

  • Starfish Crunch

  • Two Leg Bridge

  • 90/90 Holds

  • Leg Reach in Supine

Perform this work out as a circuit going from one to the next with no rest. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Begin with 4 rounds of the circuit and workout up to a maximum of 8 rounds. 

Wrap Up
This 5 exercise core workout will hit every part of your core to develop a tight, strong, flexible and functional midsection. Perform the workout 3 times per week on alternative days for the best results. 

Digital Habitus

Founder of Digital Habitus, a passionate advocate for minimalist design, content creation and digital marketing.


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