15-Minute HIIT Workout

If you’re looking for quick, intense work out then you’ve come to the right place. High-intensity interval training is a surefire way to burn fat all over your body and build your overall fitness; and the best bit about it, you don’t need to invest hours to see benefits. Through short bursts of all-out activity followed by a short period of rest, you’ll challenge yourself but you’ll also find what works best for you and over time you’ll be able to personalise your workout. 

There are all different types of HIIT workouts to try; we’ve put together a few 15-minute workouts for you to try.

Bodyweight HIIT

A simple place to start is using your own body weight. You’ll have no trouble getting your blood pumping with this workout. Perform each of the 6 exercises below for 20 seconds each with no rest in between. Once you’ve completed the entire circuit you can then rest for 60 seconds. Aim to do 5 rounds to complete a full 15 minutes.

  • Mountain climbers

  • Push-ups

  • Single-leg glute bridge

  • Jumping lunges

  • burpees

  • Plank

Dumbbell HIIT

If you want to increase the intensity or add an additional layer of difficulty you can look to try this dumbbell workout. However, this time you should aim to complete 30 seconds of each exercise with a short 15-second rest before moving on to the next one. Repeat three times.

  • Romanian Deadlift

  • Renegade Row

  • Lateral Lunge

  • Biceps Curl

  • Upright Row

  • Split Squat

Sled Push HIIT

The sled is a great tool to get a full body and cardio workout and adds some variety to your HIIT workout routine. While a sled push workout is generally over pretty quickly, the workout itself can be quite intense and offers a full-body workout. To prepare for the sled push workout you want to load the sled with around 75% of your max pushing capacity, however, if you’ve never used the sled before it would be best to start lower and build up. Once you have that set up you want to push it as hard and fast as you can. Again, even though it might be over quickly you’ll most likely feel quite fatigued. Rest for 3 minutes and repeat for 4 or 5 rounds or until you hit 15 minutes.


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