15 Minute Jump Rope Cardio Workout


There are a whole lot of different options when it comes to getting in a great cardio workout - and they can cost you quite a lot of money. Yet, one of the most effective just happens to be among the cheapest - jumping rope. 

If you haven’t cottoned on to the benefits of jumping rope for cardio and fat loss yet, here’s a quick update:

  • Jumping rope is a great calorie burner at about 14 calories per minute.

  • Jumping rope brings on the EPOC effect which churns up your calorie burn for 24 hours after you finish your workout.

  • Jumping rope provides you with the ultimate portable workout option.

  • Jumping rope is a low impact plyometric activity - there is minimal stress on your joints when you skip (the right way).

  • Skipping fits in great with weight training. Just jump rope for 30 seconds between your sets and the fat will start melting away.

  • Jumping rope greatly improves your body’s coordination, balance and your sense of bodily awareness.

Basic Jump Rope Form
When you are jumping with a rope you should put about three quarters of your body weight on the forefoot. Make sure that your core is tight and your back in a neutral position. As the rope comes down, flick back with the toes as if you are pushing away from the floor. As a result of this action, you will come off the floor the few inches to allow the rope to pass under you. Your knees should be bent just a little and you should land on the balls of the feet.

To swing the rope, simply rotate from the wrist. The arm movement should minor. Jump with both feet together as the rope passes underneath. Try to establish a fluid, smooth motion with coordination between your hands and your feet.

The Workout
Here is an awesome 15 minute workout jump rope cardio workout that will burn calories like crazy. It includes non-rope moves to really engage your heart, muscles and lungs in what is known as Peripheral Heart Action (PHA) training.

For the non-jump rope exercises, you will do as many reps as you can in 40 seconds and will then have exactly 20 seconds to recover before you go back to 60 seconds of rope jumping. Between minutes 7 and 8 you will get a whole minute to recover - make the most of it!

If you are unable to jump rope continuously for the allotted time period, simply collect yourself and start again. Over time you will be able to extend your continuous jumping time. 

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds slow (Min 0-1)

  • Push Ups - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off (Min 1-2)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds medium pace (Min 2-3)

  • Air Squats - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off (Min 3-4)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds as fast as possible (Min 4-5)

  • Plank - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off (Min 5-6)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds slow (Min 6-7)

  • Rest - 60 seconds (Min 7-8)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds slow (Min 8-9)

  • Push Ups - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off (Min 9-10)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds medium pace (Min 10-11)

  • Air Squats - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off (Min 11-12)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds as fast as possible (Min 12-13)

  • Plank - 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off (Min 13-14)

  • Jump Rope - 60 seconds slow (Min 14-15)

Wrap Up
This 15 minute jump rope workout combines all of the elements that add up to massive fat burn, combined with cardiovascular optimization and muscular endurance. This is an intense workout so be sure to get plenty of rest between sessions and keep up your water consumption. Keep this workout to no more than 3 times per week for best results. 

Digital Habitus

Founder of Digital Habitus, a passionate advocate for minimalist design, content creation and digital marketing.


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