15 Minutes of Arm Burning Fun

Fun and working out don’t usually go together. When it comes to working your arms, though, taking a quarter of an hour to achieve a massive pump in your bis and tris can definitely put a smile on your face. Here’s a 15 minute arm workout to achieve that very result.

The Workout Protocol
A great arm workout will hit the three main muscles of your upper body limbs:

  • Biceps

  • Triceps

  • Forearms

To do justice to those three muscles in just 15 minutes is quite a challenge. To achieve it we’re going to do tri-sets. These are similar to super sets but instead of moving back and forth between two exercises without rest, you are doing 3 exercises in a row. Those 3 exercises will consist of a biceps, triceps and forearms move.

Those 15 minute workout will involve 2 tri-sets as follows:

Tri-Set #1

  • Alternate Dumbbell Curls

  • Overhead Triceps Extension

  • Reverse Curls

Tri-Set #2

  • Cable Curls

  • Triceps Pushdowns

  • Wrist curls

The Exercises

Alternate Dumbbell Curls

  • Stand with a pair of dumbbells at your sides, palms facing your thighs.

  • Supinate your right wrist so that it is facing forward then curl that arm up to bring the dumbbell to shoulder level.

  • Reverse the action under control to lower the weight, keeping your elbow at your side and not swinging to involve momentum.

  • Repeat with the left arm.

Overhead Triceps Extension

  • Stand with a single dumbbell held overhead in both hands by cupping it under the top plate. Your arms should be fully extended above your head.

  • Keeping your elbows in at the side of your head, lower the dumbbell behind your head to full triceps contraction.

  • Reverse and repeat.

Reverse Curls

  • Stand with barbell held at arm’s length in a palms down position.

  • Curl the bar up to shoulder level.

  • Lower under control and repeat.

Cable Curls

  • Stand in front of a double pulley machine facing away from it. Set the pulleys at their lowest setting. Grasp the handles and position yourself so that your hands are slightly behind your body when held at your sides.

  • Curl your right arm up to shoulder level and squeeze the bicep tightly.

  • Lower and repeat with the other arm.

Triceps Pushdown

  • Stand facing a high pulley machine with a rope handle on the end of the cable. Grab the rope handle, with your hands at chest level and your elbows in at your sides.

  • Press your arms down to full arm extension.

  • Reverse and repeat.

Wrist Curl

  • Sit on a bench with a barbell resting across your knees, held in an underhand grip with your hands about 3 inches apart.

  • Hang the bar just over your knees and extend your hands down to full extension.

  • Curl your hand back up to lift the bar up to slightly above knee level.

  • Reverse and repeat.

The Workout

Tri-Set #1

  • Alt DB Curl / O-Head Tricep Ext / Reverse Curl - 3 x 12/ 10/ 8

Tri-Set #2

  • Cable Curls / Tricep Pushdown / Wrist Curl - 3 x 12 / 10 / 8

Wrap Up

With each set, as you decrease the reps, add a little more weight. After each tri-set, give yourselves 60 seconds to recover before the next one. This workout will give you an awesome overall arm pump while also maxing out your growth potential - and all in just 15 minutes!


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