3 Tips to Get You Working Out

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Working out is a very physical thing, but getting yourself to the point where you are actually doing it is all mental. In order to become a regular exerciser, you need to conquer the fitness mind game. Here are 3 key tips to help you overcome your procrastination and develop a workout habit.

1. Be Goal Focused
To become a fitness machine, you need to develop mental toughness. Exercise needs to become an integral part of every day, something that you could never imagine yourself not doing. You need to build the discipline, motivation and resilience to keep going despite the inevitable complications that life throws your way.

In order to do those things, you need to be clearly focused on your goals every day. Focus on what the new you will be like. Create a specific image in your mind of the end-goal you, and most importantly focus on what that new you will feel like. Imagine how much more focused, more disciplined and more connected you will feel. Imagine how confident you will feel in your skin once you have achieved your end-game goal.

Your end-game goal answers the question “Where Are You Going?” It is the basis from which you will set all of your other goals. These are all stepping-stone goals which will lead inexorably to your end-game goal. You need to keep your end-game goal in focus every day.

But more than that - you need to live your life as if that end-game goal has already been accomplished. Believe in its achievement with such certainty that, to you, it has already happened. By doing so, you will be feeding your subconscious with the altered reality that you are already at your end-goal - and it will respond with habitual behaviours that will propel you there at warp speed.

You will also be able to cultivate the positive emotions that will be part of your end-goal achievement right now. You will be carrying yourself taller, maintaining eye contact when you converse and feeling in control. And you will love yourself.

2. Set Our Your Gear
Getting all of your workout gear ready to go is a proven technique when it comes to getting you out the door on the way to your workout. If you are going to be heading to the gym first thing in the morning, get everything ready the night before. Lay out your gym clothing, pack your gym bag and place it by the door. If you are going to have a pre-workout drink, prepare it and put in the fridge. That way, when you get up all you have to do is slip on your gear, down your pre-workout and head out the door!

3. Buddy Up
When you’ve got a workout partner waiting to sweat alongside you, you’ve got a major motivation to turn up. The guilt of letting that other person down has been shown to be one of the biggest motivators for workout regularity. That’s why we encourage you to find a workout buddy to team up with. As well as giving you a strong motivation to turn up, your buddy will motivate you to push harder during your training session. Besides, working out with a partner is more fun for many people than going solo!

The three tips that we’ve provided here will allow you to establish a regular and consistent routine of exercise. That consistency will see you achieving your health and fitness goals, which will, in turn, bring the satisfaction of goal accomplishment that will further motivate you to keep going. As a result, you will have become a lifelong exerciser!


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