30 Minute Full Body Workout

Heading into the club but short on time? No problem - here’s a full body workout that’ll take just 30 minutes. But be prepared; there’ll be no time to scroll through your phone or chat between sets. It’s all about speed and intensity.

The Training Style
Working your entire body in 30 minutes is a challenge. To do it, we’ll make use of super sets. This is where you do an exercise for a body part, such as chest and then immediately go to another movement for an opposing body part, such as the back. This time saving protocol allows your chest to recover for the next set while you’re working the back.

This workout will see you performing 3 supersets as follows:

Chest / Back Superset

  • Dumbbell Bench Press / Lat Pull In

Quads / Hamstrings

  • Squats / Reverse Lunges

Shoulders / Triceps

  • Seated Press / Triceps Pushdown

The workout will finish with alternate dumbbell curls done in straight set fashion.

The Workout

Dumbbell Bench Press

  • Lie on a flat bench with a pair of dumbbells in your hands held at full arm extension above your chest.

  • Lower your arms until your upper arms are parallel to the floor and your forearms are perpendicular.

  • Push back up to the start position, bringing the dumbbells together above your chest midline.

Lat Pull In

  • Place a back supported bench in front of a cable pulley with the pulley set at its highest point. Grab the handle in your right arm and position yourself so that your extended arm is at 30 degrees,

  • Pull in and down toward your hip, squeezing your lats in the contracted position.

  • Reverse and repeat.


  • Stand in front of a loaded squat rack. Unrack the bar and place it across your shoulders and trapezius.

  • Take a set back and set yourself with feet shoulder width apart.

  • Hinge at the hips and drop to a parallel squat position, maintaining a neutral spine position.

  • Push through the heels to power back to the start position.

Reverse Lunges

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart and a pair of dumbbells in your hands at your sides.

  • Take a large step backward with your left leg.

  • Drop down to bring the rear knee to about an inch from the floor.

  • Push through the front thigh to return to the start position.

Seated Press

  • Sit on a bench with a pair of dumbbells held in an overhand grip at shoulder level.

  • Maintaining a neutral spine position, press the dumbbells up above your head and slightly inward. Stop just short of lockout.

  • Lower and repeat.

Triceps Pushdown

  • Stand facing a high pulley machine with a rope handle on the end of the cable. Grab the rope handle, with your hands at chest level and your elbows in at your sides.

  • Press your arms down to full arm extension.

  • Reverse and repeat.

Alternate Dumbbell Curls

  • Stand with a pair of dumbbells at your sides, palms facing your thighs.

  • Supinate your right wrist so that it is facing forward then curl that arm up to bring the dumbbell to shoulder level.

  • Reverse the action under control to lower the weight, keeping your elbow at your side and not swinging to involve momentum.

  • Repeat with the left arm.

The Workout

Superset #1

  • DB Bench Press / Lat Pull In - 3 x 12/10/8

Superset #2

  • Squats / Lunges  - 3 x 12/10/8

Superset #3

  • Seated Press / Triceps Pushdown - 3 x 12/10/8

  • Alternate DB Curl - 3 x 12/10/8

Wrap Up

On each succeeding set, as the reps go down, add a little weight to the bar. Although you will not rest between exercises on a superset, you should give yourself around 60 seconds to rest between supersets. Stay focused and keep moving and you’ll get an awesome workout to hit your whole body in 30 minutes flat!


