30-Minute Intermediate HIIT Workout

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a super time-efficient, high-energy form of exercise that will bring results fast. Whether you want to lose weight, increase your power and endurance and boost your anaerobic fitness, HIIT is a great way to do it. 

In this article, I’ll provide you with a fantastic 30-minute HIIT workout that uses interval periodization to ramp up your results. The basis of HIIT training is the work/rest ratio. In this workout, the ratio is 1:1. Which means that you’ll be working for 60 seconds and then resting for 60 seconds before going to the next exercise. Depending on your fitness level, you can either rest completely during the rest period or jog lightly.

This four-exercise HIIT workout will have you doing a couple of the most basic compound weight training exercises. You will use a weight that is a lot lighter than you normally would when training for strength and muscle gains. This will allow you to keep going for a full 60 seconds.

The Exercises


  1. Position a bar on a squat rack just below shoulder level. Load the bar with the appropriate weight, then step under the bar, positioning it high on the back of your shoulders. Grasp the barbell with a wide overhand grip position.

  2. Unrack the bar and take a step back. In this starting position, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your lower back in a neutral position, your head looking straight ahead and your knees slightly bent.

  3. Hinge at the hips to descend into a parallel squat position, where your thighs and calves form an angle of slightly less than 90°.

  4. Push down into your heels to ascend back to the starting position. When you have completed your reps, carefully step forward to place the bar back on the rack.


  1. Place an Olympic barbell on the floor and load it with the appropriate weight.

  2. Stand behind the bar with your mid feet directly under it and feet shoulder-width apart.

  3. Injured the hips to go down to grab the bar with an overhead grip. Allow your heart to move backward so that in the bottom position your torso is at about a 30° angle. Do not round your back and thrust your chest up as you are holding the bar.

  4. Maintaining a tight core, pull the bar up as you hinge the hips to come back to a standing position. Look directly ahead, keeping your shoulders down and the bar close to your body throughout.

  5. Smoothly returned the bar to the floor, once more hinging at the hips.

Push up Hand Walk Over

  1. Begin in a high plank position, balancing on your toes with your feet together and your right hand on the floor and your left on an elevated box or step.

  2. Keeping yout torso rigid and your leg straight, bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the floor to perform a push-up.

  3. Push back up, straightening your elbows to return to the starting position. 

  4. Lift your right hand off the floor, and place it beside your left on the top of the box.

  5. Lift your left hand off the box, placing it on the floor about one shoulder-width to the left, again assuming a high plank position.

  6. Bend your elbows to perform another push-up, this time on the other side of the box.

  7. Return to the top of the box. Continue alternating sides as you complete your 60-second count. 

Twisting Knee Raise

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Raise both arms and bend your elbows so that each arm forms a right angle, palms facing forward.

  2. Raise your left knee toward your abdomen. At the same time, bring your right elbow toward the knee. Aim for your knee and elbow to touch.

  3. Return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side, alternating sides for the 60-second period.

The Workout

Begin with a jogging on the spot warm-up as follows:

  • 30 seconds light jogging

  • 30 seconds high knees

  • 30 seconds butt kicks

  • Squats - 60 seconds

  • Rest - 60 seconds

  • Deadlift - 60 seconds

  • Rest - 60 seconds

  • Push Up Hand Walk Over - 60 seconds

  • Rest - 60 seconds

  • Twisting Knee Raise

  • Rest - 60 seconds

Repeat the circuit four times.

Finish with a 90-second light jogging cooldown. 

Wrap Up

This 30-minute HIIT workout is pretty challenging. I recommend doing it no more than twice per week, allowing at least two days between each workout. On other days, work your individual body parts with a full-body or split routine workout. 


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