30 Minute Kettlebell Workout


You have probably seen these cast iron or cast steel balls with handles around the club, most likely sitting somewhere right next to the dumbbells that are always in use and now you are left staring at these untouched Kettlebells. You ask yourself; do you work out with them today? And Is there more to Kettlebells than just swinging them?

What are Kettlebells good for?
Kettlebells target the whole body to build strength and stability. Kettlebell swings can help increase your heart rate, burn extra fat and tone muscle, but where they really come into their own is in building strength throughout your posterior chain.

The weight is distributed differently than a typical dumbbell, so it works different muscles doing the same movement. They offer a lot of flexibility and a different range of motion in your workouts which include lunges, lifts, swings and shoulder presses.

The Workout
If you’re a beginner use a light weight to get used to the motion first and if you're more advanced, then use a heavier weight to build more strength. Make sure you warm up beforehand as the workout will use all parts of your body and you want to avoid injury.

 30 Minutes
Focus: Upper Body
8 Exercises
10 Repetitions
2 Sets Per Exercise
Jog on the spot and move into the exercise

The Exercises
1. Sumo Squat 
Stand with your feet twice the shoulder width, holding the kettlebell at your chest with both hands. Start with pushing your hips backwards, turning your feet slightly out. As you come down your thighs must be parallel to the floor. Push the floor away from you on your way back up. After your 10 reps, stand up straight, lowering the kettlebell for 10 seconds and repeat.

2. Kettlebell Swing
Starting with one arm first and standing with your feet knees apart, start slowly swinging the kettlebell until you are in line with your shoulder, then thrust each swing at shoulder height. Make sure you keep your back perfectly flat, hinging at the hips. Relax your swing when you are changing arms and then get right into it.

3. Close Chest Press 
Lying flat on the ground. Kettlebell in one straight arm out inline with your chest and resting on your forearm. Slowly bring the elbow down to your chest, with a slight rotation of the weight touching the side of your arm so it doesn’t hit your bicep and press back up. Bring the kettlebell down to swap arms and start again.

4. One Arm Row
Stand leaning in a forward lunge. The arm holding the weight needs to be in line with the opposite knee that is out. Rest your free hand on your knee. Slowly pull the weight up to your body and then back down in a rowing motion. Keeping your shoulders parallel to the ground and your back flat. Switch the kettlebell between hands and swap opposite legs.

5. Jerk Press 
Starting with one arm first and keeping your back perfectly flat. Do a tiny hop and press the kettlebell straight up into the air to an extended arm then bring your elbow slowly down to your shoulder. Hop with each press up. Inhale as you bring the weight down, exhale as you press the weight up. Bring the kettlebell down to swap arms and start again.

6. Jackknife Pull Over 
Lying flat on your back and your legs straight out. Place your arms straight out above you with one weight on one hand. Engage your core. Start moving your arms and legs at the same time into a lift movement but not a crunch. Make sure you keep the weight in one hand and your other hand just following the movement. After your 10 reps, lay flat and swap your weight to the other hand.

7. Figure 8 Curl
Start with your legs apart, swing the weight back through your leg into one arm, with the weight in your arm, then bring the weight up to a curl, swap the weight in your hands and then repeat by swinging the weight back through your legs again. Stop for 10 seconds and repeat.

8. Clean & Press
Hold a kettlebell in front of you. Using one arm first, bend your knees as you explosively pull the kettlebell up and “catch” it at shoulder height. Slight hop as you press it overhead. After your 10 reps. Place the kettlebell down and swap arms.

Now You're Finished
By the end of this workout, you have probably broken out into a real good sweat and your body is shaking. Make sure your cool down with a few stretches and rehydrate after by drinking enough fluid to replace fluid losses during exercise.


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