4 Week 5K Training Program

Running a 5K is an achievable, yet challenging objective for anybody. As a result, it makes an ideal goal for someone trying to get off the couch and into an active lifestyle. Without a plan, however, you will struggle to make it to the finish line on the big day.

In this article, I’ll lay out a 4-week 5K training program for beginners.

Consistency is the Key

While four weeks may not seem like very long to prepare for a 5K run, it does provide sufficient time to progressively increase your training distance and tempo to get your body ready for the event. 

The key to success, though, is consistency. You can’t afford to skip days as this will throw your entire schedule out of whack. So, make the resolve to follow through completely in order to ensure success. 

The Training Program

This beginner training program follows a set pattern: walk/run day followed by recovery day followed by rest day. On your rest days, we encourage you to do a strength training program in the gym. Here’s a sample workout for runners that I use with my personal training clients …

  • Dumbbell Squats - 3 x 15

  • Dumbbell Lunges - 3 x 12 (each leg)

  • Renegade Row - 3 x 12 (each arm)

  • Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 15

  • Box Jumps - 3 x 15

Ok, let’s break the program down, week by week …

Week One

  • Sunday: Walk/ Jog 20 min (run 2 mins/ walk 3 min)  - repeat four times

  • Monday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 10 min - Stretch 15 min

  • Tuesday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Wednesday: Walk/Run 70-75% 20 min (run 2 mins/walk 3 min) - repeat four times

  • Thursday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 10 min Stretch 15 min

  • Friday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Saturday: Rest

Week Two

  • Sunday: Walk/ Jog 25 min (run 2 mins/ walk 3 min)  - repeat five times

  • Monday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 10 min - Stretch 15 min

  • Tuesday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Wednesday: Walk/Run 70-75% 25 min (run 2 mins/walk 3 min) - repeat five times

  • Thursday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 10 min Stretch 15 min

  • Friday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Saturday: Rest

Week Three

  • Sunday: Walk/ Jog 30 min (run 2 mins/ walk 3 min)  - repeat five times

  • Monday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 10 min - Stretch 15 min

  • Tuesday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Wednesday: Walk/Run 70-75% 30 min (run 2 mins/walk 3 min) - repeat five times

  • Thursday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 10 min Stretch 15 min

  • Friday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Saturday: Rest

Week Four

  • Sunday: Walk/ Jog 30 min (run 2 mins/ walk 3 min)  - repeat six times

  • Monday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 30 min - Stretch 15 min

  • Tuesday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Wednesday: Walk/Run 70-75% 25 min (run 2 mins/walk 3 min) - repeat six times

  • Thursday: Recovery Walk 70-75% 30 min Stretch 15 min

  • Friday: Rest – Gym Workout

  • Saturday: Rest

Wrap Up

As you can see, the main point of this workout is to slowly build up your running time. As a beginner, your goal should be to complete the run, not to beat a certain time. That can come with your next 5K. Above all, have fun and enjoy the journey.


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