5 Tips For Staying Healthy When You Are Busy

You know you should be living a healthier life. But your days are so hectic that you simply can’t see how you can find the time to do anything meaningful. The transition to living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to involve time-consuming new ways of doing things. It is far better to make small, incremental changes that you can seamlessly and painlessly integrate into your schedule. Here are 5 tips that you can adopt over the next few weeks regardless of how busy your days get.

1. Eat Smart
Regardless of how busy you are, you have got to eat, right. When you plan what you are going to eat, you can actually save time and stress. There are two things you should do to start eating better:

  • Meal Prep,

  • Keep it simple

Meal prepping involves setting aside some time once or twice a week to prepare your meals for the next few days. To busy to thing about what to prep? Check out our Meal Plans, we’ve done some of the work for you. Cook in bulk and then apportion servings for your lunches and dinners for the next few days. Store them in the fridge or freezer and simply pull them out on the day you need them.

Keeping it simple involves identifying healthy foods and then eating them consistently. One of the biggest reasons that people fail to eat well is because theta re always looking for something different. That is a mistake. Keep it simple by eating lean protein, vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, and nuts every day.

2. Drink More Water
When you first get up in the morning, have two full glasses of water. Then carry a water bottle with you throughout the day and sip from it consistently. If you are trying to lose weight, drinking more water will help immensely. It will ward off those nasty sugar cravings that often occur in the mid-afternoon, saving from all of those extra calories.

3. Start Exercising
Exercising doesn’t have to mean putting aside an hour and a half to go to a gym. Start with just a few minutes each day. Why not make use of those annoying commercial breaks while watching TV to knock out some push-ups, crunches, or jumping jacks? If you spend hours sitting in front of a computer each day, get up every hour and walk around for a few minutes. Do a dozen bodyweight squats and some dynamic stretching. Go for a 15-minute walk around your neighborhood in the evening about 30 minutes after eating your dinner.

4. Focus on Your Sleep
Improving the quality and quantity of your sleep can have a profound effect on your overall level of health. You need to get between 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for your body to recharge and grow. To achieve that goal, keep all technology (including your phone) out of your bedroom. Establish a consistent bedtime routine, winding down about an hour ahead of time and not eating a substantial meal within two hours of retiring. 

5. Learn to Say No
Often very busy people tend to take on too much. This is not healthy. By saying no when you have a full plate you will be doing yourself and everyone around you a favour. Learning to prioritise is another key health-enhancing skill. Get into the habit of making a To-Do list for the coming day that is listed in order of priority. 

No one is too busy to start adopting a healthy lifestyle. Over the next couple of weeks, introduce each of the 5 tips presented in this article into your life. You will be amazed at how easy it is to start living a healthier life and how much better you feel when you do. 




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