7 Entry-level Yoga Poses

If you’re looking for a great way to warm up before a workout or improve your flexibility, yoga might be the thing for you. But yoga has a lot more benefits than just mobility, it can also help you prevent injury, build strength and reduce stress. You’ve probably seen our Exhale Studio posters around the club, we have entry-level classes available in our amazing yoga studio - but if you want to try a few entry-level poses before you visit your first class, we’ve put together 7 of our favourite poses to give you a starting point.

Cat/Cow Pose

This pose is made of two different poses and is very common in many yoga flows. It will help get your breathing in check and release some tension. To do this pose begin on your hands and knees, fingers pointing outwards, wrists below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Looking at the ground exhale and round your spine up towards the ceiling, dropping your head as you do. Suck in your tummy, while keeping your hips lifted. Inhale, and then uncurl your spine and arch your back, lifting your chest and glutes up. Repeat this movement up to 10 times.

Downward Facing Dog

Another very common pose; start on all fours in a plank-like position. Inhale and push up your shoulders back and arch your glutes up creating an upsidedown V shape. Hold this post for 30 seconds to one minute.

Cobra Pose

This pose will really help you stretch your spine and muscles. Lie on your tummy and place your hands under your shoulders as though you are going to do a push-up. Now press your legs, hips, and feet into the floor - inhale and lift your upper body, pushing down through your fingertips. Look straight ahead and hold for 15-30 seconds, then exhale and lower your upper body towards the ground.

Childs Pose

This pose is quite simple and is a great pose to help you relax and have a breather. To get in position, start kneeling and press your glutes into your feet, pressing your upper body into your legs and extending your arms beyond your head, stretching your upper body. Your tummy should be resting on your thighs and your forehead touching the floor.

Warrior I

This pose helps open your hips and chest and builds your leg strength. Get into a lunge position with your ankle over your knee. Raise your arms above your head, biceps to your ears and turn your opposite foot 90 degrees. Expand your chest and pull your shoulders back, then lower down towards the ground as you lift your arms. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and then repeat on the opposite side.

Warrior II

This pose is a variation on the previous, this time your arms will be outstretched and parallel to the ground, place one arm in front of you and the other behind you. Bend your front knee over your ankle and lower your hip until your front thigh is also parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and then repeat on the opposite side.

Bridge Pose

This pose is another great pose to stretch your spine whilst also working your legs and opening up your chest. Lie on your back with your knees a shoulders length apart and bent. Place your heels close to your glutes and your hands flat by your side. Exhale and press your feet into the floor while lifting your hips towards the ceiling. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute before exhaling and slowly lowering your hips and back to the floor. 


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