7 Minute Bodyweight Workout

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Here’s a fantastic 7- minute bodyweight workout to challenge the butt, hips and thighs. Your time is precious. You don’t have an hour to work out every day. In fact, with every thing else going in your life, you’re lucky to be able to consistently squeeze in 15 minutes to devote to yourself. Don’t worry, we can definitely relate. That’s why we’ve put together an awesome 7-minute workout for women that hits all of your major trouble spots. Best of all, it doesn’t require any equipment, so you can do it anywhere, any time. 

The Workout Structure
This 7 minute workout is pretty intense. That’s because you’ll be accounting for every single one of those 420 seconds in order to optimise your training time. Here’s how it will work . . .

You’ll be doing 7 exercises. Each exercise will be done for 45 seconds. You will then rest for exactly 15 seconds before starting the next exercise. Within that 15 seconds, however, you need to be getting yourself in position so that, as soon as the clock ticks into the next minute you are underway. 

The Workout

Split Squats
Stand with one leg 3 to 4 feet in front of the other, with your toes pointed forward. Your front foot should be flat on the floor, but only the ball of your foot should be planted. To help yourself balance, line up each foot with its corresponding buttock, not with the other foot. Keep your torso erect. Rest your hands behind your head.

Bend both knees to lower your body straight down until your back knee is 2 to 3 inches off the floor and your front leg is bent at a 90-degree angle. Your torso and rear thigh should form a straight line. Return to the start position.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands by your sides. Push back and down while lowering down into an air squat bottom position. In the bottom position, kick your feet back and place your hands on the ground. This will put you in the start position for a push up. Now perform a standard push up. Then tuck your knees to your chest while lifting your chest and arms. From here explode back up into the air to return to the start position. 

Sprinter Lunges
Begin in a classic sprinter position with one leg extended back and lowered so that the knee is a bout a foot from the floor. Load your arms at your sides in the ready position. Now explode into the air as change leg positions, driving the rear leg forward and the front leg back. Powerfully drive through with your arms as you do this movement. Immediately move into your next rep. 

Lie face up on the floor with your hands by your sides and your legs straight out. Without lifting your head from the floor, pivot from the hips to bring your legs of the ground. Your legs should be slightly bent but locked in that position. Now alternately cross your legs on a scissor motion to engage your core. This movement should be fast and short. Resist the temptation to lift your head as doing so may put your spine out of alignment. 

Cross Jacks
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms at your sides. Jump your feet wide apart and raise your arms overhead, crossing your wrists over. Now jump your feet back together, crossing your feet over and your arms crossing in front of you.

Heels to the Heavens
Lie face down on the floor. Keep your shoulder blades tucked into the floor and your core pushed into the ground. Now, with feet together, bring your feet directly up to the ceiling. Now your body should form a right angle hinged at the waist. To perform the exercise pulse your butt up and down to contract and expand the abdominal muscles. 

Wall Sit
Sit with your back against a wall, just as if you were sitting in a chair. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with your legs at right angles and thighs parallel to the ground. Spread your arms out along the wall at shoulder height. Hold this position for the set time.

You’ve now got an awesome 7 minute workout to target your glutes, thighs and butt. Perform this workout 3x per week, challenging yourself to keep to the strict 15 second rest periods between exercises and you will soon see promising results for your efforts. 


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