7 Scorching Leg Burning Exercises

If you are after muscular, defined and toned legs, then you have simply got to make peace with leg burn. That intense muscular pain in the quads is an indication that the exercise is doing what it should; maximally firing every muscle fiber that makes up your thighs, quads, glutes and calves. Here are the 7 best exercises to bring on the burn.

Best Quad Burning Exercises

Leg Extension

  • Set the weights and sit in the machine with your knees bent and ankles beneath the ankle pad. Grip the handles. Breathe in.

  • Slowly extend your knees, raising the ankle pad, then accelerate into the rep. Stop just short of knee lockout.

  • Hold for a second and then lower under control to the start position.

Unilateral Cuffed Leg Extension

  • This exercise uses a cable pulley machine with a cuff. It can also be done with a resistance band.

  • Set up the cable from a low setting and attach the cuff to your working ankle. Sit on a  bench facing away from the machine and extend your working leg at the knee to lift your foot, working against the resistance of the cable.

  • Slowly return to the start position under control.

Best Glute Burning Exercises

Glute Bridge

  • Position yourself side on to a bench with your feet about four feet from the bench and your upper back resting on the bench. Rest a barbell across your hips with your knees bent.

  • Drive your feet through the floor and thrust the bar upward to bring your torso parallel to the floor. Hold for a 2-second count.

  • Lower under control and repeat.

Standing Cable Glute Kickback

  • Stand in front of a low pulley station and attach the cable strap around your right ankle. Place your hands on the machine frame for support.

  • Kick your leg back, abduncting it to around 20-30 degrees. Hold for 1-2 seconds.

  • Lower under control and repeat.

Best Hamstring Burning Exercises

Seated Leg Curl

  • Sit on a leg curl machine with your shins over the pads. Grasp the side handles and engage your hamstrings.

  • Push down on the pads to fully contract the hamstrings. Hold for a 1-2 second count.

  • Return to the start position under control.

Banded Deadlift

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart and a resistance band under your mid feet and held at your sides and knee level.

  • Drive through the floor with our quads while pushing your hips forward to come up to full extension. Squeeze the hamstrings tightly.

  • Hinge at the hips to descend back to the start position.

Best Calf Burn Exercise

Seated Calf Raise

  • Sit on a seated calf machine with your thighs under the pads and the balls of your feet resting on the foot block.

  • Contract your calves to raise your heels, driving your feet up and ankles forward. Hold for 1-2 seconds.

  • Lower under control and repeat.

Putting It All Together

Put these 7 best quad burning exercises together into a total leg scorching workout by choosing one move from each bodypart. Do 4 sets of each exercise with the following rep scheme …

  • Set one - 20 reps

  • Set two - 15 reps

  • Set three - 10 reps

  • Sert Four 8 reps.

At the end of your workout, your legs will be on fire. But remember, that’s a good thing - it means that you’ve primed them for optimum results. 


