7 Vitamin C Rich Foods That Will Make You Healthier


Since we were kids, many of us have been told to take our Vitamin C in order to ward off winter bugs. Yet, in the last few decades, the benefits of Vitamin C have been revealed to be greater than simply helping us get through winter. In this article, we reveal 4 key benefits of this amazing vitamin, along with 7 of the best foods from which to get it. 

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. This helps to enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. This is what makes Vitamin C so good to help ward off those winter bugs. It is also extremely good at fighting against oxidative stress and free radical damage.

Blood Pressure
Vitamin C may help to lower high blood pressure. It has been shown to help relax the blood vessels which take blood away from the heart. In one study, taking Vitamin C was shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 1.5 mmHg. 

Cardiovascular Disease
There is considerable evidence to suggest that Vitamin C may reduce the risk factors for heart disease. These include increased blood pressure, elevated LDL cholesterol levels, and high levels of triglycerides. In one study, subjects who took 700 mg of Vitamin C daily had a 25 percent lower risk of heart disease. It is recommended that people take 500mg of Vitamin C daily for heart health. 

Prevents Iron Deficiency
Although Vitamin C is not high in iron, it can increase the body’s absorption of iron from plant sources. These are usually hard to absorb but Vitamin C makes it easier to do so. This makes Vitamin C especially important for vegetarians. 

7 Great Sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid, is unable to be made by the human body. As a result, it is considered to be an essential vitamin, meaning that we must get it from our diet. The following 7 foods represent some of the best places to do that.

The Kiwifruit is a New Zealand delicacy that is packed with Vitamin C. An average sized kiwifruit contains 70 mg of Vitamin C. Studies have found that eating 2 kiwifruit daily can increase white blood cell activity and reduce bad LDL cholesterol.

Kakadu Plums
Kakadu plums originate right here in Australia. When it comes to Vitamin C content they are a superstar, containing a hundred times more than an orange. In fact, with 481mg per fruit, it is the highest Vitamin C containing food that exists. 

Rose Hip
You may not have heard of rose hip before but if you want to up your Vitamin C count it's time to get up to speed. The rose hip is a small tangy flavored fruit from the rose family. A half dozen of this tiny nutrient dense fruit will deliver 120 mg of Vitamin C to your body.

Green Chilli Peppers
Green Chilli Peppers aren’t traditionally associated with Vitamin C - but they should be. A single pepper will add 125 mg of Vitamin C to your body, which is nearly one and a half times the recommended daily value. 

Blackcurrants are a  nutrient superfood. In addition to antioxidants and anthocyanins, a half cup of blackcurrants contains 102 mg of Vitamin C. That is more than the DV for ascorbic acid in one handful of delicious snack food.

Who knew that herbs were high in Vitamin C. Well, Thyme certainly is, at least. In fact, on a weight for weight basis, it has three times more of it than an orange. A single ounce of thyme includes 45 mg of the stuff - that’s half of the DV for Vitamin C in a single ounce.

Acerola Cherries
Acerola cherries are a Vitamin C powerhouse. Half a cup of these cherries contains 822 mg of it, which is a whopping 913 percent of the recommended daily value.

With so many delicious Vitamin C rich foods available, there is no reason to rely on supplements for your daily Vitamin C needs. Spread our seven super ascorbic acid foods across your diet and your Vitamin C needs will be well and truly catered for. 




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