A Beginners Guide to Barbell Deadlifts


Deadlifts are a form of weight training that will help develop strength to your overall body. Focusing on your hamstrings, glutes, lower back and upper back when standing in position but also relying on your core strength to stabilise your body through the lift, meaning your abdominal muscles, upper torso and arms are also getting a workout.

What are other benefits?

  • It can improve core stability

  • Increased fat burning

  • Burns more calories than running

  • Improves your posture

  • Can prevent injury

  • It’s an all-round muscle workout

  • Supports “everyday” lifting scenarios


The Exercise
A deadlift is done by holding your free weight bar with as many weights as you can lift, then lifting them up until you're standing up with the bar in front of you just above your knees.


Key Pointers

  • Start with practising proper form without any weights

  • Begin with light weights and work your way up

  • Weights are always positioned on the floor

  • Check your form before lifting

  • Keep your arms straight at all times

  • Squat with a flat back and your chest up


What is Proper Form?

It’s basically what a good deadlift should look like.

  • Feet hip width apart with your grip positioned just outside your legs

  • Your back should be flat

  • Your shoulders back and down, no shrugged shoulders.

  • The bar is positioned close to you


Now let’s break it down…

Your Position
Foot placement here is very important. You want to make sure your feet are flat and that you’re driving down through the heels, some types of running shoes may not be the most appropriate to use. As you begin lifting heavier weights you may also want to look into purchasing proper weight lifting shoes, which provide added stability.

Your Grip
There are three different types of grips you can do. First there’s the Hook Grip, where your thumb is wrapped over the bar. The advantage to using this grip is that it keeps focus on your lats but can give you a weaker grip. However, this is good to use, if you wanted to do high reps of deadlifts with lighter weights. Then there’s the Standard Grip, where your thumb is wrapped under the bar. Great if you're new to deadlifts. And lastly, The strongest grip of all, the Mixed Grip. More commonly used by experienced lifters. Where one hand is wrapped over the bar and the other is wrapped under with fingers in both directions.

Your Pull
Keep the bar as close to you as possible. When you get to a standing position with the barbell in your hands, make sure you are standing straight and not leaning back to try and hold the weigh. Keep driving your heels into the ground, look straight ahead with your chest out. This will help maintain proper alignment.

Now, let’s summarise the exercise.

1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and the barbell on the floor in front of you.

2. Bend at the knees and hips, positioning your hands on the bar just to the outside of your legs and take hold of the bar with a grip.

3. Engage your core.

4. Keeping your head up and back straight, tighten your shoulder blades back and down.

5. Straighten your legs slightly and lift the bar a little so that the bar touches the weight plates.

6. Drive through the heels of your feet and push your hips back and lift. Keeping the bar close to your legs and stopping when the barbell passes your knees.

7. Engage your glutes at the top of the move but don't thrust so far that you back over- extends.

8. Lower the bar slowly back down to the original position.

Some common mistakes that can lead to injury.

  • Poor posture

  • Bended arms

  • Bar too far in front of the feet

  • Shoulders not positioned over the bar

  • Head looking down at the bar

  • Core not engaged

If you feel like doing something a little different, there are also other deadlift variations you can try such as;

  • Kettlebell Deadlift

  • Cable Pull-through

  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

  • Snatch- Grip Deadlift

  • Trap Bar Deadlift


The Summary
With all the great benefits to deadlifting and its variety of muscle building functions. It can tick so many of your personal fitness goals in one simple workout such as gaining stronger muscles, having a stronger core, reducing your risk of injury and getting that sculpted body. Say Hello to your new favourite workout and hello Summer Body!


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