A Complete Guide to Yin Yoga


Yoga has enjoyed a boom in popularity throughout the Western world in recent years. One of the lesser known forms of yoga, yet one that holds great promise for everyone, is called Yin Yoga.

Never heard of it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Now’s the time to get up to speed on Yin Yoga.

What is Yin Yoga?
Yin Yoga was originally called Daoist yoga. The new name comes from the concept of Yin and Yang, with Yin yoga representing passive movement. Yang yoga is characterised by active movement. 

In contrast to other forms, Yin targets the body’s deep connective tissue rather than the superficial muscles. It also works on the fascia which covers the muscles of the body. The postures in this form of yoga are more passive than in other forms. The majority of them are performed on the floor. There is a total of just 36 moves, which is much less than most other forms.

The most unique aspect of Yin Yoga is what you do when you are in each pose. Your goal is to relax, which softens the muscle, allowing you to get deeper into the muscle belly. Each posture is held for longer than in other forms. In some cases, you hold the pose for as long as 20 minutes. During that time you are in a meditative state. 

In summary, we can say that Yin Yoga is more meditative than other forms of yoga practice. It also reaches more deeply into the connective tissue and fascia of the body. Many of the moves zoom in on the area around a joint, such as the hip or spine. As a result, Yin Yoga is great for improving flexibility, especially as we age.

Yin Yoga Benefits
Yin Yoga will challenge you to get more in touch with yourself – your emotions and sensations. It is an effective form of yoga to help people overcome addictions, trauma, eating disorders and other challenges. Through your practice of Yin Yoga, you will learn to be more at peace with yourself. You will develop mental strength, resilience and calmness. 

Most people who begin Yin Yoga notice the physical benefits before the inner changes start to kick in. The hips will open up more freely, the spine will be more supple and your overall flexibility will improve. Other benefits of Yin Yoga include:

  • Energy regulation

  • More stamina

  • Fascia release

  • Enhanced joint lubrication

  • Better sleep

  • Improved relaxation

  • Better joint and hip mobility


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