A Healthy Heart Workout Plan

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While more and more people are exercising, a recent survey shows that most of them are doing so to look better rather than to improve their heart health. Most of those surveyed were unaware of just how much and what type of exercise they should get each week for maximum cardiovascular benefit. While 51% of those surveyed said they exercise to lose weight, just 32% stated that they do so to improve their heart health.

The reality is that it doesn’t matter how lean you are, or how much muscle you have on your frame if your aren’t ‘healthy’. A smart exercise plan will prioritise heart health. Here is a simple 7-day heart health workout plan that will take just minutes per day...

Take a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood about an hour after eating your evening meal. Walk at a fast pace that challenges you but still allows you to carry on a conversation. Try to include some up and down terrain. If possible, share this time with your partner.

Have a late afternoon game of basketball, tennis, or whatever other game you enjoy. Be sure to do some dynamic stretching before you begin and ease into the intensity of the game. Play for about 30 minutes. You should get up a good sweat during that time. Finish with a little static stretching and a few minutes on a foam roller to massage your muscles.

Perform a bodyweight HIIT cardio workout or StudioONE class. The workouts involve doing short intense rounds of an exercise followed by an even shorter rest period. Don’t have time for a class? I recommend doing burpees for 30 seconds followed by a 20-second rest. Work up to doing 8 rounds of this.

Go for a 30-minute bike ride or join a Pursuit class. If you are on the road, ease into it slowly and then work up to a few hills. Rather than ushing yourself to go faster, simply enjoy the journey.

Engage in a mindful practice that will strengthen but also stretch the body to aid recovery. Yoga or pilates are perfect for this. Either join an Exhale Studio class or join us online via FITLIFE.

Today, go for a hike in your local park or bushland area. Plan to go for a couple of hours at least. Be sure to take plenty of water with you, along with healthy snacks. Wear a quality pair of tramping boots and don’t wander off the beaten path.

Enjoy a day of rest.

Exercising for heart health doesn’t have to involve carving out hours every day. The key to success is regularity and enjoyment. Give our 7-day healthy heart workout menu a try and you will soon see and feel the difference.


