Before BedTime Yoga Poses To Try

Yoga is not just a way to exercise your body; it’s also one of the best things you can do to unwind both and relax. That makes it an ideal activity to engage in just prior to going to bed. In this article, I’ll lay out five great yoga poses you can do right in your bedroom before hitting the sack.

Legs Up the Wall

In this pose you form an ‘L” shape with your back on the floor and your legs running up the wall. Position your butt as close to the wall as you can. Have a slight bend in your knees and lay your arms out in a ‘T’ shape with your torso. In order to open your chest, face your palms to the ceiling. 

Legs on a Chair
This variation of the Legs Up the Wall pose will take any pressure off the spine for people with lower back issues. For the sake of comfort, place a pillow beneath your lower legs. Keep your shoulder blades on the floor throughout with your arms outstretched. Hold for 10 minutes.

Supported Bridge
Lie outstretched on the floor with a pillow lying vertically under your lower back to elevate your hips by about 6 inches. Keep your shoulder blades and heels on the floor. Your arms should be out to the sides with your palms facing the ceiling. Hold this pose for 5 minutes.

Supported Side Bend
Lie on your side with a support under your ribcage and a pillow between your knees. Stretch your arms with one going overhead and the other under your head so that you are resting your cheek on your upper arm. For comfort you can place a towel under your cheek. Open up your chest and hip flexors as you hold this pose for 10 minutes. 

Supported Supine Twist
Lie on the floor with a support built up around 6 inches at your right knee level. Bring your left knee across and rest it on the support. Keep the other leg straight and spread your arms out to the sides with palms up. Keep your back down on the floor and open your chest. Hold for 10 minutes. 

Practicing Yoga Safely
Practising yoga involves respecting your body’s physical limitations and understanding how and when to use equipment to support your practice. As a note of caution, if your practice causes negative sensations, such as giddiness or pain, then consult a medical practitioner - there may be an underlying health problem for which your practice is inappropriate.

Standing postures such as forward bends may prove impossible to do correctly when you first attempt them. Blocks, or other means of support such as a chair can be used to modify the posture so that flexibility can be gradually attained without injury. 

Using a strap or belt can help you to work towards achieving a posture which you may not be able to achieve when you first begin to practice. Towels or bolsters can be helpful in providing the comfort you need to enable you to relax fully. 

Wrap Up
Perform your session in a quiet place where you can be alone without distraction, such as your bedroom. You will also need something with which you can time the length of your poses. I recommend doing your pre-bedtime yoga poses 30 minutes before bed. Then get yourself a glass of water, put on your pajamas and prepare to slip under the covers. 


