Change Takes Time - Small Changes You Can Start Today

Sometimes, it can seem like switching to a healthy lifestyle is such a huge leap that it seems impossible. As a result, we can feel extremely unmotivated about even getting started. That, however, is the wrong way to look at it. You may recall the saying …

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. 

That is certainly true when it comes to building a healthy lifestyle. Just as you build a house one brick at a time, you develop a healthy lifestyle one habit at a time. In this article, I will lay out five small changes that you can start implementing today to transition to a healthier way of living.

1. Eat More Slowly

The faster you eat, the more food you are likely to consume, and the more likely you are to gain weight. Your hunger is controlled by hormones. However, it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message that you are full. That makes it very easy to overeat if you are eating fast.

When you slow down, you will eat fewer calories. Get in the habit of chewing each mouthful at least 10 times. Talk to people during dinner time and pause to drink water during your meal.

2. Switch to Whole-grain Bread

Whole-grain bread is a far healthier option than refined bread. They have been associated with a reduced risk of type II diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Whole grains are also an excellent source of fibre, B vitamins, and essential minerals. You will also probably find that whole-grain bread is more filling and enjoyable than refined.

Look for a variety that includes policies and grains to make your bread even healthier.

3. Always Have a Shopping List

Whenever you go shopping for food, make sure that you take a shopping list so you know exactly what you will be buying. When you construct that list, think about your health. A list will help to minimize impulse buying so that you are not bringing unhealthy foods back into your home.

Another important shopping strategy is to never go to the supermarket when you are hungry.

4. Get Into the Egg Habit

Eggs are one the healthiest foods on the planet. As well as being a near-perfect source of protein, eggs are also packed with essential nutrients that most people are lacking in. They also contain essential fats that the body needs for proper functioning.

Another great thing about eating eggs is that they fill you up. Having eggs for breakfast will make you far less likely to snack between then and lunchtime. I also recommend having hard-boiled eggs readily available so that when you do feel peckish, you can reach for them rather than a biscuit or a piece of cake.

5. Go for An Evening Walk

You don’t have to join a gym or start pumping weights to begin the exercise habit. The best way is to ease into it gently. Taking a leisurely stroll around your neighbourhood after dinner is the ideal way to do so. You’ll start burning calories and moving your muscles. This will also help you to more efficiently digest your food.

An added benefit of an evening stroll is that it provides time for you to relax mentally. Many people find an evening walk to be very meditative. Others have found that going for a walk each evening with their partner provides an ideal environment for conversation.

Wrap Up

Making the transition from an unhealthy to a healthy lifestyle should be gradual rather than instant. Your goal should be to develop habits that stick for a lifetime. In this article, very achievable goals that you can implement over the next week. Why not add one of them to your life each day? In a week’s time, you will be both happier and healthier.


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