Deadlifting: What it is and why you should add it to your workout week

If you’re looking into deadlifting but aren’t sure if it’s the workout for you then here is your beginner’s guide! Deadlifting is a compound exercise where strength, power, and muscle growth come together, and it might just be the exercise for you to take your fitness journey to the next level. 

So what is deadlifting?

As we said, deadlifting is a compound exercise, which means it targets multiple muscle groups in your body, including your back, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core. It is one of the most effective exercises for building overall strength, power, and muscle gain. Incorporating deadlifts into your workout week can be a game-changer.

What are the benefits?

Strength and Power

Deadlifting is a functional movement that mimics the movement patterns of everyday activities like picking up heavy objects off the ground. It can help improve your overall strength and power, making it easier for you to perform daily tasks, as well as other exercises. Adding it into your routine will make the next time you’re moving furniture or trying to bring the groceries inside in one trip a breeze. 

Muscle Mass

Deadlifting is a great exercise for building muscle mass, particularly in your back, glutes, hamstrings, and quads. If you’re aching for a muscular, well-rounded physique these deadlifts can help you develop that like no other exercise.

Posture and Stability

We all know we should be working on our posture, especially in the work-from-home era - deadlifting can help do this as well as increase your stability. It does this by strengthening the muscles in your back and core. This can reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall body mechanics.

Hormonal Response

Deadlifting is an intense exercise that is also great at stimulating the release of anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone. These mighty hormones facilitate muscle growth, fat burning, and overall body transformation. By incorporating deadlifts into your routine, you're giving your body a natural boost that can accelerate your fitness progress.

Mental Toughness

At FIT we try to emphasise the importance of building your mental strength as well as your physical strength. Deadlifting is a challenging exercise that requires mental toughness and focus. It will push your limits and demands your focus, determination, and resilience. As you conquer this challenge, you'll develop mental strength that extends far beyond the gym.

So, are you ready to take the next step in your fitness journey? Deadlifting may just be the secret workout that unlocks your strength! 


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