Feeling Sluggish? 7 Nutritional Secrets for Those Who Lack Energy


Has your default energy level become stuck in first gear? Does it feel as if you get up and go got up and left long ago, never to return? If you’re feeling sluggish, the problem will largely have to do with what you are, or are not, eating. After all, food is our only energy source. In this article, we present 7 tips on how to eat to restore your lagging energy levels.

1. Cut the Sugar
It’s understandable that you’ll reach for a sugar fix when you’re feeling sluggish. But that quick fix will quickly wear off. In the process you’ll get a blood sugar spike, causing an overload of insulin to balance out the blood sugar. These fluctuating blood sugar and insulin levels will end up making you even more fatigued!

2. Drink Plenty of Water
Lack of water will contribute hugely to low energy levels. Water loss through sweating and urine lower energy levels. A study showed that men who lost less than 2 percent of their fluids experienced significantly increased fatigue levels. Keep up your water intake by carrying a water bottle with you and sipping at it throughout the day.

3. Eat More Bananas
Studies reveal that bananas may be as effective as energy drinks in reducing fatigue levels. They are packed with Vitamin B-6, potassium and fiber, as well as healthy carbs. Start eating bananas daily and you will experience an immediate energy boost.

4. Consume Lean Proteins
Protein does more than build muscle. It also gives you an energy pick me up. Turkey and chicken breast will give you the quality amino acid chains your body needs with very little added saturated fat content. Another great lean protein source is fatty fish, which is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, salmon and tuna are great choices.

5. Eat Nuts
Such healthy nuts as cashews, walnuts and almonds are packed with proteins, carbs and healthy fats. Nuts introduce to the body a slow release form of energy to keep you going throughout the day. Take a handful of nuts mid-morning and afternoon to ward off lethargy and fatigue. 

6. Consume More Eggs
Eggs are usually associated with protein intake and muscle building. Yet, that extremely high quality of protein will provide the body with a steady supply of energy. Eggs provide an energy source that, unlike processed sugar-based foods, will not play havoc with your blood sugar and insulin levels. Eggs are also rich in the amino acid leucine, which actually stimulates energy production in the mitochondria.

7. Eat Apples
Apples are an extremely nutrient dense food that will also give you an energy boost. That is because they are filled with natural sugars and fiber. This combination provides a slow release of energy to sustain you for hours on end. Be sure to eat whole apples rather than relying on apple juice, which has lost much of the fiber and phytochemicals that are so good for you.




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