Healthy Christmas lunch ideas

For a lot of people, when they think about the holiday season they think big hearty lunches, dinners, and a whole lot of guilt in the days and weeks after because of their bad eating. It may be the most wonderful time of the year but it is also a dangerous time when healthy eating patterns can get derailed. In this article, we’re going to suggest some healthy options for you to add to your Christmas Lunch that will see you eating healthy and staying merry, let’s dig in (pun intended).


One of the best things you can add to your Christmas menu is a turkey. This chook is somewhat of a holiday staple and thankfully it’s also lean and packed with protein. If you see this on the table this Christmas stock up and your body will thank you. Not only is it packed with protein, it’s also packed with vitamins and minerals like iron, phosphorus, potassium, and B vitamins, and it’s low-fat. And given their size, you should have enough leftovers to tide you over after Christmas lunch.


Roast potatoes are another staple but if you’re watching your carb intake and are looking for a healthier option parsnips should be your go-to. Some describe their taste as sweeter than your standard potato. And like the turkey they're packed with goodness. We’re talking potassium and folate, both very important for your heart health, and vitamin C a welcome immune boost.

Brussel Sprouts

Now you may not like the sound of brussel spouts, they aren’t really a fan favourite but cooked right they taste incredible, and they pack a healthy punch for their little green size. Just a quick Google search will bring up pages of people singing the praises of brussel sprouts - they’re full of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. They are also good for your liver, which is perfect for this time of the year.


Now seafood is a Christmas lunch staple, and most seafood you can choose will be healthy but salmon is arguably the best option there is in this category. Fish generally is great for the brain, and we know they're packed with omega-3 fats, but there is also evidence that it helps support healthy heart function.

To wrap it all up (pun intended again), whilst Christmas lunch may be an invitation to gorge on naughty foods, it is Christmas after all - including the above healthy Christmas lunch options can help you feel a bit better.


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