Healthy eating in quarantine


So much of our lives have been turned inside-out and upside-down by the novel coronavirus, including the way we shop, cook and eat. And as with all changes that happen rapidly and unexpectedly, we may still be finding our feet and trying our best to adjust to a completely new norm. So how do we maintain a healthy, balanced diet (and stay sane at the same time!) during this challenge? Here is your FITLIFE guide to healthy eating in quarantine:

1. Get organised.
Do a quick inventory of your kitchen, stores, fridge and freezer to work out what you already have on hand. Check use-by dates and throw out any product that look like its time in the sun has well and truly passed. Now write a shopping list of the staples and fresh produce that you need to replace, and prepare to venture out!

2. Go shopping
Armed with your well thought-out list, make a trip to the shops. Who knows, this might be the highlight of your day, so why not combine the essential activities of grocery shopping with some much-needed incidental movement, and walk/run/cycle/scooter your way to the supermarket – remember to bring a large backpack to bring your goodies home. Now here’s the secret: only buy what is on the list and avoid the sweet treats aisle (or any other temptations) all together!

3. Start planning your meals
Depending on how many people you are cooking for, you will need to do some primary school maths to work out the portions per recipe. This is really important because overeating is just so tempting during lockdowns – I mean, what else is there to do, right? But, portion appropriately, and you will have nourishing meals that are just right for your energy needs. If you live alone, now is the time to get friendly with leftovers – don’t be afraid to set a portion aside for tomorrow – you don’t have to finish it all off in one go!

4. Be adventurous
We all have our tried and tested recipes that we love to cook time and time again, and so by all means, enjoy some of these old favourites as they can provide comfort and routine (especially to children) during these uncertain times. But now is also the time to try something new! That complicated and lengthy recipe you’ve been eyeing for months, but just put into the too hard basket, can finally have its first foray into your cooking repertoire. Your first, and most nutritious, port of call? The wonderful and versatile world of cooking with legumes, pulses, beans and lentils (you know, chickpeas, red kidney beans, black beans, and the like). Go to the Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council website ( to get inspired.

5. Stay positive
Finally, keep your chin up! Just consider, you are actually setting up healthy eating habits for life during this time, successfully turning an adversity into an opportunity!

Jade Petitat is a Power Living certified yoga teacher, who combines traditional yogic philosophy with a modern-day approach to give participants a challenging, yet nurturing practice. When she is not on her mat, Jade works as an Accredited Practising Dietitian and is mum to a sweet little yogini.




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