How Does a PT Help Me on my Fitness Journey?

Are you wanting to get more out of your workouts? Considering hiring a personal trainer but not sure if it’s worth the effort or the money? Then you’re at the right place. In this article, I’ll spell out five dozen benefits that come from working with a personal trainer.

A Personal Trainer Makes You More Accountable

The key to success with a workout program is consistently showing up and putting in the effort. It is hard to do that on your own. But when you’ve got an appointment and you know your trainer is waiting at the gym for you, you are far more likely to show up. The fact that you’re paying for the session whether you show up or not is further motivation.

The majority of people also find that they tend to put in more effort and focus when a trainer is standing alongside them. It is easy to slack off when we are on our own.

A Personal Trainer Can Educate You

Certified personal trainers have gained an accreditation that has given them a solid education in kinesiology, physics, biomechanics, and nutrition. They are, therefore, in an ideal position to teach you how to best look after your body. 

A personal trainer can also teach you the proper form of the exercises that you are doing. This will avoid developing bad exercise form habits that, over time, could lead to injury. A personal trainer will be able to spot the small nuances of form that may lead to problems later on and help you correct them.

A Personal Trainer Can Help You Set and Achieve Goals

Most people are not very good at setting health and fitness goals. And more often than not, they set goals that are unrealistic. Then they fail to achieve them, give up completely go back to their former lifestyle. This is often because the marketing media have set unrealistic expectations in order to sell fitness gadgets.

When you work with a personal trainer, he will be able to work with you to set goals that are realistic, achievable and time-bound. He will then work out a program based on the goals you have formulated together, along with stepping stones along the way towards its achievement.

A Personal Will Individualize Your Workout

When you join a gym, you are likely to be given a cookie-cutter workout plan and then let loose onto the gym floor. Try Googling for a more individualised program, and you will be bombarded with so many options that you won’t know where to start. A personal trainer, however, will take you through an initial fitness assessment and then formulate a specific individualised workout plan based on the results of that assessment and the goals you have formulated together.

A Personal Trainer Will Promote Workout Variety

Getting fit is about more than pumping weights. It’s also about more than running on a treadmill. Yet, many people focus on just one type of exercise to the exclusion of all us. When you work with a personal trainer, he will ensure that you are including all types of fitness in your program. This may include strength training, cardiovascular exercise, plyometrics, functional fitness and stretching. 

Wrap Up

Working out with a personal trainer is a decision that you will not regret. It may cost a little bit more than a general gym membership, but that extra cost will be well worth it in terms of reaching your health and fitness goals with more certainty. Why not book a couple of sessions with a trainer at your local gym and see how it goes?


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