How to help your muscles bounce back after a workout.

It goes without saying, congratulations are in order if you make it into FIT and are putting in the work to improve your fitness! But once you've finished your workout, it's time to put some focus on muscle recovery! Ensuring your muscles recover well after a workout will mean they can adapt and you can push harder and harder. While there are many ways to help your muscles bounce back after a workout, we’ve put together a few techniques you can try today.


Firstly, what you put into your body has a big impact on how your body recovers. Ensuring you’re putting in the right nutrients after a workout, such as carbohydrates and protein will help rebuild and repair muscle tissue. We recommend trying to eat a meal or snack that contains both of these key nutrients within half an hour of finishing your workout.

Foam Rolling

Secondly, consider foam rolling. Foam rolling is a technique that can help relieve muscle tension and soreness by applying pressure to the muscles you’ve just worked out. This technique can be especially beneficial for sore muscles in your legs, back, and shoulders.

Sauna & Steam Room

A major technique we recommend all our members to try is having a go in our sauna and, or steam room. When you exercise, your muscles produce lactic acid, which can build up and cause muscle soreness. Saunas and steam rooms can help alleviate this soreness by increasing blood flow around your body and to your muscles, flushing out that lactic acid. Additionally, the heat from the sauna and steam room can help relax your muscles, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall flexibility.


Now the sauna and steam room can be a massive game changer when it comes to muscle recovery, but it’s important to hydrate before, during, and after your sauna or steam room session. Not only will this help you avoid dehydration during the sauna and steam room session but drinking water helps flush out toxins and lactic acid.

Cool Down

We also recommend considering a cool down after the sauna and steam room such as a quick shower or a cold plunge. Lowering your body temperature is another technique which can help reduce muscle soreness.

So to wrap it up, if you’re leaving your workouts feeling sore and find that this affects your other workouts throughout the week we recommend trying our sauna and steam room, feeling your body correctly, foam rolling and keeping hydrated. We hope that by using these techniques and increasing the blood flow and relaxing your muscles, you can reduce that muscle soreness and show up to every session in the club ready push further than before!




20 minute upper body workout