Simple Tips For Wellbeing While Working From Home

Working from home may sound like a great alternative to the daily office commute but it does present several wellbeing challenges. These include feelings of isolation, motivation problems, unexpected disruptions, and maintaining a work/life balance. Here are five tips to help you maintain your mental and physical wellbeing while working from home. 

Set Up a Home Office
A major challenge of working from home is to maintain a work mindset. Unless you do that, you will find it difficult to separate your ‘work’ time from your ‘home’ time. To help establish that work mindset, you should set up a separate part of your home as your workspace. Set it up with a desk and chair, making sure that you choose furniture that promotes good posture. 

Your home office should be reserved for work time and work activities. That way, when you walk through the office door, you will be able to make the mental switch from home time to work time. 

Dress for Success
Another way to get into the work mindset is to dress for work each day. The physical act of putting on your work clothes will allow you to get into the work mindset. It will also help you to establish a routine, which is something that can easily go by the wayside when you are working from home.

Schedule Your Time
When you’re working from home, your time is a lot more flexible than it otherwise would be. Unless you stick to a set schedule, however, you will find it difficult to be productive. That is why you should schedule your work week hour by hour on a weekly planner. Schedule in set times to have your lunch, along with a short break every 2-3 hours. 

Prioritise Exercise
You know how important regular exercise is to your physical and mental wellbeing. When you transition to working at home, however, it can be difficult to maintain your workout routine. More than likely you went to the gym before or after work. Now, however, you no longer make that commute. 

When your normal routine stops, it can be very easy to stop doing things like going to the gym. You can counter that effect by prioritising your workouts in your schedule. Block them out first thing. One benefit of working from home is that you have more flexibility as to when you can go to the gym. That means that you don’t have to be part of the pre or post work gym deluge. Take advantage by scheduling your workouts in the mid-morning or early afternoon. 

Stay Connected
It can be easy to isolate yourself when you are working from home. That is not good for your mental and emotional well-being. That’s why you should make an extra effort to stay connected with your peers. Make use of platforms like Zoom to regularly catch up with people online. If possible, you should also team up with a training partner for your gym workouts. Then, at least once a week, schedule time to catch up in person with a friend.

Wrap Up
As we’ve seen, the key to maintaining your well-being when working from home is to separate the work and home portions of your day. By dressing for work, having a designated office space, maintaining your exercise routine, having a weekly schedule and staying connected with your friends and family, you can successfully make the transition to working from home.


