Simples Ways To Manage Anxiety & Stress

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Stress imposes high physical and emotional costs on our lives. And, in our high-tech world, stress is on the increase. There never seems to be enough time and always too much to do. Work pressures, family problems and information technology explosion can weigh us down and leave us with anxiety overload. Here are five simple things you can do to manage your stress levels.

The ancient art of yoga is an effective way of developing physical and mental relaxation. There are many schools of yoga. Its ultimate aim is self enlightenment. However, in the West it is primarily practised for its physical benefits. Yoga consists of physical and mental exercises that help strengthen the body, maintain suppleness and reduce stress. 

Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, keeps the body fit and helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Whenever you exercise, it is important to warm up, build the pace up slowly and cool down when you are finished. Walking, dancing and swimming are beneficial forms of aerobic exercise that will keep the body fit. Exercising three times a week for approximately 20 minutes will usually be sufficient. If you have health problems or haven't exercised for a long time, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor before starting.

Change Your Eating Habits
The following tips can help you to change poor eating habits and deal with some of the emotional factors involved:

  • Eat three times per day, preferably at the same time.

  • Sit down at the table when eating.

  • Chew your food slowly as this will aid digestion and stop you from overeating.

  • If you are trying to lose weight, keep fattening foods out of the house.

  • Go to the supermarket after you have eaten.

  • Buy fruit bars instead of sweets and chocolates.

  • Drink several glasses of water a day.

  • Learn to stop eating before you are too full.

Ask yourself what else you can do to deal with stress other than eating? Divert yourself into another activity. Practice a relaxation technique, go for a walk, clean your teeth or keep yourself occupied in another way.

Prioritise Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep every night is a key to keeping a handle on stress. Here are 8 tips for doing so…

  1. Make sure your bedroom is not too hot or cold and that your bed is comfortable.

  2. Go to bed and get up at roughly the same time each day. Sleeping in late is not a good idea as it can make it harder to get to sleep the following night.

  3. Cut down on tea, coffee, alcohol and other stimulants. Replace these with herbal teas and milky drinks.

  4. Use your bed for making love and sleep - not for arguments, working or watching TV.

  5. Prepare yourself for bed by having a warm bath and switching off from daytime worries.

  6. When in bed, prepare for sleep by practicing relaxation and drift off in your imagination to a soothing place.

  7. If you wake up in the night, practice relaxation again.

  8. If you can’t get back to sleep, get up and do something boring. When you feel tired, go back to bed.


