Tasty Eggplant & Smashed Tomato Sauce



2 x Eggplant cut into 1cm discs
1 x Red onion diced
2 x Garlic cloves diced
2 x Cans of crushed tomatoes
1 x Punnet of cherry tomatoes halved
1 x Bag of baby spinach

How to:

Preheat oven to 180 degrees
Place the eggplant discs on a couple of trays which have been lined with baking paper.
Brush with olive oil on both sides and season with salt. Into the oven. Turn at the 10 min time and should take 20-25 mins.
In your pot pour in a couple of tbls olive oil and then add your onion and garlic. You should always sweat your onion for at least 5 mins so they release the sweetness.
Turn the heat up to reduce the liquid by a third. Then add your tomatoes, medium heat and reduce so the sauce thickens.
Season with salt and pepper. You can always add smoked paprika when you add the tomatoes to add more flavour. You would add 2 tsp.
In a dry pan blister the halved cherry tomorrow's in a splash of olive oil.When you are happy the sauce has reduced, around 20 mins, wash your spinach and then add to the sauce. Should wilt quickly and take that deep green colour.
Timing is good in this one as you can plate up the stack with two discs, then some sauce then another two discs and more sauce. Add some cherry tomatoes and cracked pepper.It's a quick and tasty dinner!




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