The 15 minute Cardio Workout From Hell


15 minutes isn’t very long. In fact, for most gym goers, it’s about how long it takes to slip into their trainers and get started on their warm up. If you know what to do with that 900 seconds, however, 15 minutes is plenty long enough to produce a killer workout that will burn calories like crazy. Well, we’re about to know exactly what to do with that 15 minute workout investment to produce a massive dividend in terms of calorie burn. 

The Workout Structure
You will be breaking your 15 minute workouts into 1 minute slots. During each minute you will be exercising for 40 seconds and then resting for 20 seconds. Then, as soon as that next minute rolls around, you go straight to your next exercise. That makes those 20 second rest periods extremely precious - make the most of them!

Between minutes 7 and 8 you get a complete 60 seconds of rest (see, I do have a heart!). If you’ve been following the 40/20 pattern as recommended, then you will definitely need that 60 seconds of rest.

The workout will be done in a circuit fashion. That means that you will do one set of an exercise and then, after your 20 second rest, go directly to the next exercise. There are seven exercises. So, you will do seven exercises, then have a one minute rest before repeating the circuit a second time. 

The Exercises

Air Squats
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and place your hands together in front of your chest. Look straight ahead and then descend from the hips to lower into a parallel squat. From here, push through your heels to return to the start position.

Mountain Climbers
Position yourself face down on an exercise mat with your arms fully extended, palms on the floor and your body extended so that you are resting on your toes. Begin the exercise by bringing your left knee up and across to the right side of your torso. Immediately kick the leg back and repeat with the other leg. Continue in a fast, repetitive action to complete your rep count. Keep your butt down throughout the exercise.

V Ups
Lie on an exercise mat on your back with legs extended and arms by your side. Now hinge at your hips to bring your straightened legs up until they are perpendicular with your torso. Straighten your arms up toward your legs. Now begin pulsing up toward your toes by contracting your abdominals. Bring your head up on each pulse.

Lunges + High Knees
Stand with feet wide apart. Position your hands in front of you at chest level. Now extend your left leg back to perform a lunge, with the knee almost touching the floor. Drive out of the lunge to bring the knee up in front of your body. That is one rep. Repeat all of your designated reps on one side and then repeat on the other side.

Sky Jump
Stand with feet together and your arms outstretched above your head. From here, drop down into a partial squat position. Now jump straight up as high as you can. Be sure to land with your feet still close together. Continue in a smooth, fluid motion. 

Push Ups
Get down on all fours on an exercise mat. Your points of contact with the floor should be your palms and your knees, with your crossed feet in the air. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width. Perform a push up by bringing your chest down to the floor. Push through the chest to return to the start position. 

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and arms at your sides. Now drop down to a push up position, kicking your feet back behind you. Immediately bring your feet back and jump up out of the bottom position to return to the start position. 

Wrap Up
Perform this 15 minutes cardio burn workout 2-3 times per week. Make sure that you drink plenty of water during the session and get plenty of rest between sessions. Keep this up for six weeks and you will be amazed at the transformation that takes place on your body. 


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