This Valentine’s Day mix it up with this couple's workout

2020-03 - FIT Lane Cove Shoot-984.jpg

Some couples get one another chocolates or flowers for Valentine's Day but this year why not try mixing it up with one of these couple’s workouts? If you and your significant other have committed to your fitness journey this year a couple’s workout is a fun way to work out together, push one another, and maybe even spark some friendly competition between one another. Let’s dive in and have a look at a few different workout options.

Workout 1: 24-minute partner workout.

One partner performs the workout for one minute while the other rests, and then alternate. Move through the below workouts for 3 rounds. 

  • KB swings

  • Push-Ups

  • Burpees

  • Sit-ups

Workout 2: Alternating partner workout.

Partner A: 400m run

Partner B: 10x Back Squats (Heavy)

Alternate partners.

Rest 1min 

Partner A: 400m run

Partner B: 10x Deadlifts (Heavy)

Alternate partners.

Rest 1min

Repeat again.

Workout 3: 20-minute partner workout.

In this workout, you and your partner are going to work together to rack up as many reps as you both can. Repeat four times for a total of 20 minutes. Use your first attempt as a benchmark for reps and look to push one another to beat that rep count in the next time you try this workout.

  • 1-minute Slam-balls

  • 1-minute Goblet squats

  • 1-minute Box Jumps

  • 1-minute Burpees

  • 1-minute Rest

Workout 4: 30-minute partner workout

Set 1:

Dumbbell Press - 30 seconds

Push Ups - 30 seconds

4 sets with no rest

1-minute rest

Set 2:

Bodyweight Squats - 30 seconds

Lunges - 30 seconds

4 sets with no rest

1-minute rest

Set 3:

Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 30 seconds

Side Lateral Raise - 30 seconds

4 sets with no rest

1-minute rest

Set 4:

Resistance Band Glute Kickback - 30 seconds

Glute Bridge - 30 seconds
4 sets with no rest

1-minute rest

Set 5:

Step Ups - 30 seconds

High Knees - 30 seconds

4 sets with no rest

1-minute rest

Set 6:

Wall Sit - 30 seconds

Calf Raises - 30 seconds


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