What is Keto and is it Right For You?

The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet designed to force the body to switch from using glucose from carbohydrates to using ketones from fat as its primary energy source. It does this by restricting the intake of carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fat consumed.

There has been a lot of research supporting the keto diet. But there are also quite a few naysayers. 

So, is the keto diet right for you?

Let’s investigate.

What is Keto?

The word ketogenesis means that we burn fat as our energy supply. When fatty acids are broken down they become ketones. 

The body can either use glucose or ketones to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body’s energy source. Without ATP, we would not be alive. Everything we do is dependent on it. 

When we take carbohydrates into our body, it ends up as glucose. The body uses glucose to burn energy and become ATP. When we consume protein, it is broken down into amino acids. Amino acids build and maintain the body. 

When we ingest fats, they become ketones. Ketones also have the ability to produce ATP. The goal of the ketogenic diet is to only use fats as the body’s energy source.

The ketogenic diet mimics the effects of fasting. In a fasted state the body produces ketones, as a result of the body having to burn stored fat rather than carbohydrates. The original ketogenic diet had a fat to protein and carbs ratio of 4 to 1. 

How to Kickstart Ketosis . . .

  • Power up with plenty of Superfats

  • Consume collagen

  • Eat plenty of alkalising vegetables

  • Take adaptogenic herbs

  • Hydrate

  • Take sea salt

  • Take caffeine

  • Ease into it gently

Keto Diet Benefits

  • The ketogenic diet will boost your brain health, balance gut bacteria, reduce inflammation, fight cancer, and balance hormones.

  • Carbs are like kindling, protein is like logs, fat is like coal!

  • The Keto Diet can help with Weight Loss - uses fat instead of sugar for fuel, lowers insulin, and reduces appetite.

  • The Keto Diet can help with Diabetes - prevents excessive insulin release, and normalises blood sugar levels.

  • The Keto Diet can help with  Heart Disease - Lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol levels, Increases good (HDL) cholesterol levels.

  • The Keto Diet can protect against Cancer - may starve cancer cells.

  • The Keto Diet fights against neurological diseases - improves mitochondrial function, and yields a neuroprotective effect.

  • Keto Diet improves longevity - triggers a fasting state linked to a longevity gene, reduces inflammation, a driver of disease.

  • When there is no glucose in your body, the body converts fatty acids into ketones, which you can burn as fuel.

Who Will Benefit from the Keto Diet

The following types of people will especially benefit from adopting the keto lifestyle:

Healthy Adults

If you are a healthy adult, as determined by your doctor, then the keto is one of the best health practices that you can undertake.

Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

For decades, keto has been a successful treatment in helping to reverse Type-2 Diabetes. There is a wealth of scientific research to establish its veracity in this regard. We strongly recommend consulting with your doctor before adopting the keto lifestyle, however.

High-Level Athletes

Keto can be hugely beneficial for high-level athletes. It will speed up post-workout recovery and enhance nutrient uptake. As a result, athletes will build muscle and strength more efficiently.


Keto is perfectly suited for people who follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.

People who are Intermittent Fasting

Keto dovetails ideally with the ketogenic diet. 

Who Should Be Cautious About the Keto Diet?


We do not recommend that children under the age of 18 adopt the keto diet. However, children who are overweight or obese do need to make changes to how they eat. Help them to cut out the carbs and make smarter choices.

People who are Immunosuppressed

Immunosuppressed people may have such conditions as HIV/AIDS, lupus, cancer, etc. The keto diet can benefit them but they MUST consult with their doctor first.

Pregnant Women

There have been no studies that have shown any adverse effects of the keto diet on pregnant women. However, as a matter of caution, pregnant women should consult their doctor before beginning a keto diet.

People with eating disorders

The keto diet will help people with eating disorders to become physically healthier. But it will not address the underlying psychological issues that are at the root of their eating disorder. For that to occur they should work with a registered psychotherapist. 

Wrap Up

This brief overview of the Keto diet has given you a grounding on what the diet is all about.

So, is it right for you? 

You will really only know if you give it a try. Unless you’re in one of the groups who should be cautious, I recommend giving in an 8-12 trial to assess how your body responds. My guess is that you’ll end up looking and feeling better!


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