What your Food Cravings Mean


Food cravings can affect even the most nutritionally disciplined among us. Often that craving overwhelms us and, before we know it, we’re munching down on that item of food that we can’t stop thinking about. We can tend to think that food cravings are random, uncontrollable urges. The truth, however, is that food cravings have meaning. When you know what has led to your food craving, you will have the power to control it. 

Let’s take a look at some common cravings to uncover what causes them and what you can do to eliminate them.

Sugary Carbs
Sugary carbs are among the most common cravings. When you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels go up dramatically. In response to this, the pancreas releases the hormone insulin. The insulin will then carry all of that sugar in your blood to the cells of your body. The resultant low blood sugar levels are what lead to a craving for sugary foods. 

Another cause of sweet food cravings is sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep affects the two key hormones that regulate appetite, ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone and lack of sleep makes you produce more of it. At the same time, Leptin, the satiety hormone, is suppressed. This combination leads to a craving for sweet foods and helps to explain those 3am excursions to the refrigerator.

To prevent sugary carb cravings from controlling you, make sure to eat a balance of macronutrients. Focus on low glycemic index carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats. 

Fatty Foods
Cravings for fatty foods are often your body’s way of telling you that you need more calories in your body. It does this because it is not getting enough calories to fuel your energy needs. 

Listen to your body’s energy request but think about how you are going to satisfy it. Rather than putting empty calories into your system, have a meal that is high in protein, such as chicken or hard boiled eggs. Protein is the most satiating of the three macronutrients, so it will quickly fill you up and keep future hunger pangs at bay. 

Despite it being one of the most food cravings, researchers are unsure of its root cause. Because chocolate is high in magnesium, it is believed that it may result from magnesium deficiency. The high levels of sugar and fat in chocolate also feed into the reasons for those cravings that we have already considered. 

Chocolate has also been shown to stimulate neurotransmitters that induce feelings of continent and pleasure. These include dopamine and serotonin. It is possible to become addicted to the pleasurable sensations that these neurotransmitters bring on, so this can also contribute to cravings for chocolate. 

Salty Foods
Cravings for salty foods are the result of either an imbalance of electrolytes or dehydration. Of these, dehydration is the most common culprit. It can result from low water intake, too much exercise, excessive sweating and alcohol consumption. You can defeat a salty food craving simply by drinking a glass or two of water. 

How to Defeat Food Cravings

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Prioritise protein

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Eat a balance of macronutrients


