15 Minute Weight Lifting Workout


Getting in a great weights workout doesn’t have to mean devoting an hour or more to the gym. While longer workouts should form the mainstay of your training, you can get in an effective 15 minute session when you are time pressured. This total body 15 minute session requires nothing but a pair of dumbbells.

The Workout Protocol
This workout involves performing seven dumbbell exercises. Each exercise will be performed for 45 seconds straight. You then rest for 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Within that rest period, however, you must get set for the next exercise so that there is no lag time when the 15 seconds is up. At the end of your first 7 minute round, you get a 60 second rest. Then perform another round of the circuit in the same 45 second on / 15 second off manner.

The Exercises
Dumbbell Squats
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells in your hands, in the rack position at shoulder level. Looking up, lower your body by hinging at the hips and dropping them down and back. Squat down until the weights just touch the floor. Now push through your heels to return to the start position.

Floor Press
Lie on your back on the floor with knees bent. Hold the dumbbells in your hands with elbows bent and triceps resting on the floor. Now push the dumbbells up above your chest until the come together in the top position. Lower and repeat.

Dumbbell Deadlift
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells in your hands, resting alongside your mid thighs. Now lower by bending at the knees and dropping straight down until the dumbbells just touch the floor. Power back up to the start position. 

Shoulder Press
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells in your hands, in the rack position at shoulder level. Now, keeping your lower back arched power the dumbbells overhead to full extension. Do not use your legs to provide momentum.

Renegade Row
Get down in the push up start position with the dumbbells in your hands. Now extend your arms so that you are in the top push up position. Row the left hand dumbbell up to your ribs. Lower and repeat with the other side.

Alternate Dumbbell Curl
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and the dumbbell in hand, resting alongside your thighs. Keeping your elbows in at your sides, curl the left hand dumbbell up to your shoulder. Squeeze tightly in the top position and then slowly lower. Repeat with the right arm.

Overhead Triceps Extension
You will just be using one dumbbell on this exercise. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hold the dumbbell overhead, with both hands, palms resting  on the bottom face of the top plate. Keeping your elbows in at the sides of your head, bend at the elbows to lower the weight behind your head. When your triceps are fully extended, push back up to the start position. 

You now have a pretty intense full body workout that you can cut out in just 15 minutes with nothing but a pair of dumbbells. Make use of it when you can’t get in your normal workout to keep those gains coming. 


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