15 Minute Weight Workout for Beginners

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Got limited time but want to get in an effective weight training workout? If you’re new to working out with weights, you probably have no idea of how to go about putting together an effective workout that will fit your time constraints. Never fear - in this article we will hone in on the 5 most effective exercises to work your entire body in only a quarter of an hour.

The Key Exercises
In a 15 minute workout, you should be able to target the following key muscle groups:

  • Chest

  • Back

  • Quadriceps

  • Hamstrings

  • Shoulders

Each exercise will be done for 3 sets. Your first set will start with a weight that will be challenging for the last 2-3 reps. Then increase the weight slightly and do 15 reps, again with the last 2-3 reps being challenging. On your third and final set, increase the weight once again and do 10 reps, with the last 2-3 again being difficult to complete.

The following 5 exercises are the best bang for your buck for each of the above muscle groups:

Chest - Decline Dumbbell Press
Set a bench at a 30 degree decline and position yourself on the bench with a pair of dumbbells held at arms length above your lower sternum and the weights touching each other. Now lower the dumbbells down until your forearms are at a 45 degree angle to your upper arms. From here, push the weights back to the start position, squeezing the chest tightly as you do so.

Back - One Arm Lat Pull In
Position a bench side on to a single pulley cable machine. Set the pulley to the highest position. Now grab hold of the handles and sit side on to the pulley machine. Your arm should be at a 45 degree angle to the pulley machine. Pull the cable handle down and in toward your hip. Slowly return to the start position, feeling for the  stretch in your latissimus dorsi muscles.

Quadriceps - Leg Extension
Sit on a leg extension machine and set the back rest as far back as possible. Lift your lower legs by pushing against the shin pads. Come up 90 percent of the way and then lower 90 percent of the way down. In other words you will be moving through 80 percent of the range of motion. This will maintain the tension on the quads and prevent any discomfort to the knee joint.

Hamstrings - Leg Curl
Sit on a seated leg curl machine with the seat in the most upright position. Push down on the shin pads to bend at the knee and, therefore, activate your hamstrings. Again you should only move through the middle 80 percent of the range of motion on this exercise.

Shoulders - Side Lateral Raise
Set the pulley on a single cable pulley machine to hip height. Stand side on to the machine and gran the handle with your outside hand. Now extend your straight arm out to the side until it is at shoulder level and parallel to the floor. Do not bring it up any higher than that. Now slowly lower the weight to the start position. 

The Workout

  • Decline Dumbbell Press - 20/15/10

  • One Arm Lat Pull-In- 20/15/10

  • Leg Extension- 20/15/10

  • Leg Curl- 20/15/10

  • Side Lateral Raise -- 20/15/10

Perform this 15 minutes, 5 exercise full body workout three times per week on alternate days. After 3 months, you can add extra exercises to work your biceps, trices, abs and calves. You can also add an extra two sets per body part, doing 8 and 6 reps with heavier weights. This will ensure that you continue to build muscle and get stronger. 




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