Benefits of Using A Sauna


Saunas have been used to make people feel better and improve their health for thousands of years. Today, the use of heat for health benefits is widespread with everything from Hot Yoga to Heat Baths being used by people all over the world. Yet, the sauna remains an extremely popular option. In this article we take a look at the science based benefits of regular sauna use. 

Heat Stress
Heat stress is one of the few goods types of stress that actually benefits the human body. Positive stress is known as hormesis. It’s the type of stress that comes from exercise and results in adaptations that make the body stronger and healthier. Heat stress acts in a similar way. Regular sauna use has been shown to slow down the aging process. A large Finnish study which involved more than 2000 subjects showed that regular sauna use (4-7 times per week) were 40 percent less likely to die from age related degenerative diseases or heart attack.

A key cause of these benefits are believed to be the release of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) which come from regular sauna use. HSPs have been shown to be able to fix age-damaged cells, reduce free radical damage and promote antioxidant activity.

Heat stress has also been shown to activate what is known as the longevity gene (FOXO3). This gene actively fights against a whole range of age related genetic decline.

Mitochondrial Health
The mitochondria in your muscles cells are the source of your energy. The weaker they are, the more unhealthy you will be. Conversely, strong, numerous mitochondria are the key to abundant energy and well-being. The heat stress that results from regular sauna use has been shown to play a key role in proving mitochondrial health. In addition to making your mitochondria stronger, it also promotes the creation of more mitochondria. 

Detoxification involves the removal of toxins, or poisons from the body. Regular sauna use appears to be one of the most effective ways to do so. Sweating is among the best ways to release toxins, especially such compounds as mercury, PCB and DDT. Yet, sweating isn’t the only way that saunas promote detoxification. The entire effects of heat stress have been shown to aid the process.

Cardiovascular Health
Numerous studies have linked regular sauna use with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. One study that involved 2,227 men showed that sauna use was able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease independent of exercise. The combination of cardio exercise and sauna use provided the greatest benefit but sauna use by itself was also hugely beneficial. 

One of the key means by which sauna use improves cardio health is that it increases the body’s release of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). This works to boost endothelial function and vascular flow. 

Regular sauna use has also been shown to lower blood pressure. Another study out of Finland (they love saunas over there!) that involved in excess of 1,600 male subjects, showed that using a sauna 4 times per week reduced blood pressure levels by an astounding average of 50 percent. 

Promotes Weight Loss
Sauna use will promote water weight loss through sweating. However, that weight will return when you drink a glass of water. Beyond that, however, recent research shows that heat stress itself promotes weight loss. In addition, sauna use has been shown to reduce appetite. It lowers the body’s production of ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone. 

Wrap Up
The evidence is clear - regular sauna use has huge benefits for overall health in general and age related decline, energy levels, cardio health and weight loss in particular. Make it your aim to get to our sauna 3-4 times per for 30 minutes each time. Combine that habit with exercise for even greater health and fitness benefits. 


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