25 Min Partner Workout

Partner workouts, where you train with your loved one, are a great way to share your passion for health and fitness. Couples who work out together have been shown to develop a stronger relationship and to experience faster exercise results than those who do not. Here is a fast and furious 25-minute partner workout that will get you and your partner sweating together - and loving it!

What You’ll Need

For this partner workout, you will need …

A squat rack

An adjustable workout bench

A barbell


A pull-up bar

Workout Protocol

In this workout, you’ll be doing 4 rounds of paired exercises for 3 sets on each exercise. While you are doing the exercise, your partner will be spotting you to provide that little bit of assistance to complete the set.

As the two of you will be using different weights on the exercises, try to set up your training area with individual barbells and dumbbells so that you don’t have to waste time adjusting the weights between sets.

You should move from doing an exercise to spotting your partner seamlessly with absolutely no break. Your only rest time is while your partner is doing their set. Then you jump right back into your next set. Do not rest between exercises, either.

The Paired Exercises

Pair #1

Barbell Squat - 3 x 15 reps

Chin Up - 3 x Failure

Training Tips

With this pair of exercises, you are targeting your upper legs and your upper back (latissimus dorsi). Choose a squat weight that will allow you to get 15 reps with difficulty. When it comes to spotting your partner, stand behind them with your hands at the waist level. If your partner needs help, grasp around the stomach and provide slight upward pressure.

For chin-ups, do 3 sets of as many as you can. Then have your partner spot you for two more reps. To spot, place your hands under your partner's crossed feet and gently pull up.

Pair #2

Dumbbell Bench Press (flat bench) - 3 x 15

Side Lateral Raise - 3 x 15

Training Tips

To spot your partner on the dumbbell bench press, kneel at the top of the bench and place your hands under your partner’s elbows. Press up gently as required for your partner to complete the assigned number of reps.

When it comes to spotting on side lateral raises, stand behind your partner and place your hands under his/her forearms. Push up gently as required.

Pair #3

Reverse Lunges - 3 x 15

Alternate Dumbbell Curls - 3 x 15

Training Tips

Reverse Lunges target the hamstrings and glutes. Perform the exercise either with a barbell across your shoulders or a pair of dumbbells in your hands. This is an exercise that is not really possible to spot on, so take advantage of your partner’s set to rest before your next one.

To spot on alternate dumbbell curls, stand behind your partner and place your hands under your partner’s elbows. If help is needed, pull up gently on the forearms.

Pair #4

Donkey Calf Raise - 3 x 15

Lying Tricep Extension - 3 x 15

Training Tips

The donkey calf raise involves performing a calf raise while your body is at a right angle with your elbows resting on a bench. Guys should do this exercise with their partner sitting on their back, while girls should do it with no extra weight.

To spot on the lying tricep extensions, kneel at the top of the bench and be prepared to hold the centre of the bar and gently push up as needed.

The Workout


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