7 Tips To Make 2022 Your Healthiest Ever

Let’s face it - we’ve had a lot of health challenges over the last couple of years. But now we’re in a new year.

Why not make it your resolve to make 2022 your healthiest ever?

Doing so doesn’t have to require drastic changes. In fact, the healthiest people I know all say the same thing …

Great health is all about doing the little things consistently.

In this article, we provide 7 tips on how to make 2022 the healthiest year of your life.

Chunk Up Exercise

You know you’ve got to work out. But that doesn’t mean you’ve got to carve an hour out of your day. For many of us, that’s just not possible.

But what about fifteen minutes three or four times per week?

Thinking in terms of shorter, more intense workouts will help you to fit exercise into your schedule - and actually do it.

Check out this intense 15-minute circuit work for an example of the type of training you can do with nothing but a jump rope.

PrioritiSe Sleep

Many people don’t give sleep the respect it deserves. Yet, sleep is a key ingredient in the health process. It is when your body recovers and rejuvenates. While there is no such thing as a perfect number of hours (we’re all different), you should plan to establish a set time to go to bed and get up.

Keep your bedroom free from technology (no cell phone!), as dark as possible, and try to maintain a temperature of around 17-9 degrees Celsius.

Get a Full Physical

Scheduling a full physical check-up with your doctor is one of the smartest things you can do healthwise this year. After all, it’s far better to identify and then work on a health problem rather than to continue unaware and let it develop into something much worse.

Why not get on the phone to book your physical today?

Eat More Vegetables

With so many processed foods on the supermarket shelves, it’s no surprise that we are eating fewer vegetables. Yet, vegetables are the main source of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to keep functioning optimally.

A third of your dinner plate should consist of vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, and capsicum. Add vegetables to your salads and sandwiches and get into the habit of serving them raw as snack foods.

Increase Your Water Uptake?

Yes, you’ve heard it before - you need to drink more water. The problem is that most people drink so many other liquids that they simply don’t have the stomach for water. However, some of those other liquids, like alcohol, can actually make you dehydrated.

Make it your goal to drink two litres of water every day. Have a full glass of water when you first get up. Then carry a 750 ml water bottle with you throughout the day. Set the goal of getting through three of them.

Eat More Nuts

Nuts are the perfect snack. They are full of healthy fats, digestion-boosting fiber, and protein to help build and maintain muscle. For example, a handful of walnuts provides you with 2.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, 4 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fibre.

Add nuts to your oatmeal, salads, and desserts. You should also put a few handfuls in ziplock bags and carry them in your bag for a healthy, hunger-busting snack.

Eat Mindfully

Mindfulness has become somewhat of a catchword in recent years. When it comes to eating, it simply means being aware of your body’s actual need for food and feeding it accordingly. Rather than eating simply because it’s lunch, snack, or dinner time, ask yourself if you’re actually hungry. If not, delay for half an hour until you start to feel slight hunger pangs.

When you are eating your food, slow down, chew more frequently and savor your food. Again, think about your hunger level. Rather than thinking that you have to finish the plate, stop when you are full.

Wrap Up

The seven hacks provided above are not life-changing. But when you adopt them into your lifestyle, the cumulative effect on your health will be quite startling. You’ll be more alert, more energetic, and more able to handle the daily stresses of life, enabling you to make 2022 your healthiest year ever.


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