Sled Workout to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

Finding a workout that seriously combines fat burning with muscle building isn’t easy. Most do one well and the other just slightly. But there is one form of heavy duty functional training that activates fat loss and muscle growth equally well …

sled training.

In this article, we lay out a super effective sled workout for fat loss and muscle gain.

What is Sled Training

Sled training is a relatively new gym training option. You can usually find a sled or two in the functional training area of the gym (another recent addition) sitting on green turf. The sled itself is a platform on skis that has posts that you can load weight plates onto. It also has uprights on each end that you can grab as you push the sled along the turf.

You can also attach a harness to the sled which you can slip over your shoulders in order to pull the sled.

Sled training is often associated with elite athletes or NFL players. As a result, some people may find them a little intimidating. The reality, though, is that sled workouts are a fantastic tool that anyone can use to get in great shape.

Push-Pull Circuit

This Push-Pull Circuit is very challenging. By the same token, it is extremely effective, providing you with a high level of calorie burn while also maximally stressing your quads, lats, calves, and shoulders.

To prepare for the workout, attach a long two-handed strap to the sled. Make sure that it is long enough so that the sled will not hit your feet when you are either pushing or pulling.

You will be moving back and forth between a Push and a Pull portion of the workout.

Exercise One: Standing Sled Chest Press

Stand facing away from the sled with the straps in your hands held at shoulder level. Press forward just as if you were about to do a cable chest press. At the end of the move, the sled will be close to your heels.

Now take a large step forward and perform another rep.

Complete 10 consecutive reps.

Exercise Two: Sled Push

Turn and get into a pushing position with your hands grabbing the poles in a low position. Push the sled back 10 yards, moving as fast as you possibly can.

Exercise Three: Plank

Drop down into a plank position on your elbows, maintaining a neutral spine and keeping your hips down. Hold for 60 seconds.

Exercise Four: Sled Row

Stand facing the sled and grab the straps. You should be far enough away that the straps are fully extended. Pull the sled toward you. Keep your body low and maintain a neutral spine.

Now take a large step forward and perform another rep.

Complete 10 consecutive reps.

Exercise Five: Sled Push

Turn and get into a pushing position with your hands grabbing the poles in a low position. Push the sled back 10 yards, moving as fast as you possibly can.


Work up to performing this workout circuit three times. Allow yourself up to two minutes to rest between each circuit. Keep this up three times per week for 6 weeks and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results you’ll see for your efforts.


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