4 Phase Workout For Huge Biceps

Every guy wants huge biceps. Most get nowhere close. Today, I’ve got a 4-phase, 30-day program that is designed to shock stubborn biceps into growth with a combination of strength and hypertrophy training. 

Combine this program with a high protein diet and plenty of rest and you can realistically add an inch to your arms in 30 days.

Workout Overview

The program has been designed to build a strength base in Phase One that will allow you to use more weight during the Hypertrophy phases to follow. However, you have the option of switching Phases One and Two and Phases Three and Four so that you are doing your hypertrophy work before your strength work if you wish.  

As you will see, the biceps exercises are paired with triceps moves for complete upper arm development.

Phase One Workouts: Days 1-8

Your Phase One workout consists of a pair of superset exercises that have you alternate a biceps and triceps exercise. It should take you no longer than 10 seconds to move between the superset exercise. That means you need to have each exercise set and ready to go before you begin. Rest for 90-120 seconds between supersets. 

SuperSet A

SuperSet B

Phase Two Workouts: Days 9-16

Your Phase Two workout consists of a pair of trisets. It should take no longer than 10 seconds to move between each exercise in the triset. Rest for 120 seconds between trisets.

TriSet A

TriSet B

Phase Three Workouts: Days 17-23

In Phase Three, you will do straight sets. Your total focus is on lifting maximum weight with perfect form. Rest as long as needed between sets to be fully recovered for the next set. At this stage, you should be using a weight belt to add poundage to your bodyweight exercises.

Phase Four Workouts: Days 24-30

Your Phase Four workouts consist of 8 exercises. They are divided into four supersets, two each for biceps and triceps. Rest for 90 seconds after each superset.

SuperSet A1

SuperSet A2

SuperSet B1

SuperSet B2


The 30-Day Massive Arms program works. So long as you stick to the plan, you WILL develop significantly bigger and stronger upper arms. And those arms will not only be big but they will also be defined. Put your all into this program, with total dedication, belief, consistency, and grit and you’ll be rewarded with biceps to impress!


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