Help Look After Your Heart With These Nutritional Tips

Eating for heart health and overall wellness has become hugely complicated. There are so many conflicting diet ideas out there that it's no wonder people have no idea which one to follow. The truth is that you shouldn’t follow any diet plan. Instead, you need to build sound nutrition habits into your lifestyle. Only then will you be able to achieve sustainable long-term heart health.

The following 5 habits will allow you to bypass all of the diet nonsense and finally get on top of how to eat for optimum heart health.

Habit One: Eat 3 Times Per Day

Every time you eat, you raise your insulin levels. Insulin, rather than calories, is the real driver of weight gain. By keeping to 3 meals per day, you will be minimizing your insulin release. That means cutting out snacks, even if those snacks are healthy ones. Aim to have your breakfast around 8 am, your lunch between 12-1 pm, and your dinner between 6 and 7pm. 

Habit Two: Stick to the 1-2-3 Rule

The macronutrient breakdown of your 3 meals is important but that doesn’t mean that you have to count every gram. That would be an unsustainable way to eat. To keep it simple, think of the meal on your plate as being divided into six parts. One part should consist of healthy fats, two parts should be protein and three parts should be made up of low glycemic index carbohydrates (think plant foods that grow above the ground). 

Habit Three: Lean Protein

With every meal, eat a quality lean protein. Protein is often thought of as a muscle-building food. While it will help you to add and preserve lean muscle tissue, it will also help you to lose weight. Of the three macronutrients, protein will fill you up the most. It also has the highest thermic effect, meaning that it takes more energy in the form of calories to digest and absorb a protein food than it does a fat or carb-based food. 

Habit Four: Eat Healthy Fats at Every Meal

Dietary fat has gotten a bad rap throughout history. The truth is that you need all three types of fat in your diet - saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated - to achieve optimum health and control your body weight. Your fat content should be balanced three ways between them. Your overall fat intake should be one-sixth of your total food intake. 

Your preferred form of fats should be extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fatty fish, and avocados. We also recommend taking a high-quality omega 3 fatty acid supplement. 

Habit Five: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are extremely nutrient-dense. That means that they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, all of which are extremely good for your cardiovascular health. 

Getting into the habit of eating fruits and vegetables as snacks will also help you to eliminate high-carb sugary options that are bad for your heart.

Wrap Up

Focus on adding one of the five habits into your routine every week over the next five weeks. By the end of that time, you will have in place the foundation of a lifetime of sound nutritional habits that will allow you to achieve your heart-healthy goals. 


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