45 Minute At Home Workout 

Here’s a 45 minute bodyweight only workout that will work both your aerobic and your anaerobic system. It’s called 9BX and is a modification of a military training workout. You perform each of 9 exercises for 5 sets using 30/30 intervals. That means that you work for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds to a total of 5 minutes per exercise. Move from one exercise to the next without any rest. Perform as many reps as you can during each interval and record the number of reps so you can work to beat your scores when you repeat this workout.

Exercise #1: Chinnies

How to Do It:

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended and your hands resting on your temples.

  2. Sit up as you bend and raise your left leg.

  3. Rotate your upper body and touch your left knee with your right elbow.

  4. Lie back, extend your leg and return to the starting position and then perform another rep lifting your opposite leg.

Workout Tip
Try to establish a smooth rhythm.

Exercise #2: Walking Lunges

How to Do It:

  1. Stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides.

  2. Take a large step forwards, bend your legs and lower your rear knee to within an inch of the floor.

  3. Stand up and step through straight into another rep.

  4. Continue lunging for the required length of time.

Workout Tip
Maintain an upright torso with a neutral back position.

Exercise #3: Kneeling Squat Jumps

How to Do It:

  1. Kneel down on an exercise mat with your butt close to your heels.

  2. Thrust your arms forward and jump from your knees into a low squat position.

  3. Keeping your legs bent and your butt low, step back and place one knee and then the other on the floor and return to the starting position.

Workout Tip
Try alternating your leading leg when making the transition from the squat back to the start position.

Exercise #4: Bent Leg Sit Ups

How to Do It:

  1. Lie on the floor with legs and feet flat - you may need to anchor your feet.

  2. Place your hands across your chest.

  3. Sit up until your body is upright and perpendicular to the floor.

  4. Lower back to the starting position.

Workout Tip
Do not round your back throughout this exercise.

Exercise #5: Box Jumps

How to Do It:

  1. Stand in front of a box that's around 24 inches in height.

  2. Bend your knees and descend into a quarter depth squat.

  3. Extend your arms behind you.

  4. Swing your arms dynamically forward and jump forward and upward onto the box.

  5. Land with both feet squarely on top of the box.

  6. Step down and repeat.

Workout Tip
Alternate the leg you use to step down.

Exercise #6: Burpees

How to Do It:

  1. Stand with your arms by your sides.

  2. Drop down into the start push-up position, kicking your feet back.

  3. Perform one push-up.

  4. Kick your feet back in.

  5. Explode back up to the start position.

Workout Tip
Move fluidly between your reps with no pause between them.

Exercise #7: Bodyweight Squats

How to Do It:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped together in front of your chest.

  2. Keeping your torso upright, descend into a parallel squat.

  3. Push your heels into the floor as you drive back to the start position.

Workout Tip
Stop just short of coming up all the way to keep the tension in your quads.

Exercise #8: Push-Ups

How to Do It:

  1. Get down on the floor on all fours, with your palms slightly wider than shoulder-width and your legs extended. Your body should form a straight line.

  2. From the top push-up position, lower your body to the floor, stopping about an inch short of your chest making contact.

  3. Push through the chest to return to the top position.

Workout Tip

Do not allow your butt to come up as you are doing this exercise.

Exercise #9: Mountain Climbers

How to Do It:

  1. Assume the top push-up position with your feet together.

  2. Drive your right knee up towards your right elbow, keeping your body in a straight line and your core tight.

  3. Push your right leg back and drive your left knee toward your left elbow.

  4. Continue in a smooth, rapid manner to complete your reps. 

Workout Tip

Keep your butt down throughout.


