6 Tips to Reduce Food Wastage At Home 

With food and grocery bills on the rise, food wastage is something that most of us simply cannot afford. Neither can our planet; not only is food wastage a major contributor to greenhouse gasses, it’s also a waste of the water, natural resources and energy used to produce the food in the first place. Here are half a dozen things you can do to reduce food wastage at home.

1. Freeze Leftovers
When you have an excess of food, rather than your first instinct being to bin it, get into the habit of putting it in a sealed freezer bag and storing it for later use. You can also freeze fruits and vegetables to keep them from spoiling. Breads, meats and dishes that you have made also store well in the freezer. 

2. Follow the FIFO Rule
Having an organised pantry will help you to reduce food wastage. Many restaurants and bakeries use the FIFO rule and so should you. FIFO stands for, ‘First In, First Out’ and relates to the way you store food in your kitchen.

When you buy new food items, put them at the back of the cupboard or fridge. That way the foods that are closest to expiring are the ones you will reach for first. 

3. Store Your Food Properly
Lazy or improper food storage leads to a lot of food being wasted. By following these simple tips, you can minimize your wastage.

  • Maintain a  fridge temperature of below 5 degrees celsius

  • Store cooked food above raw food

  • Always store your food in sealed bags or containers

  • Never store food in an open can - transfer to a sealed container.

  • Store apples, bananas and tomatoes separately as they give off gasses that may spoil other foods nearby

4. Follow a Menu
Making a menu every week will allow you to make the best use of your food resources. It will also help you to compile a shopping list to ensure that you are actually buying foods that you will use. Discipline yourself to stick to your list when you’re in the store. You should also make sure that you are well fed before you head to the supermarket as this will help to avoid impulse buys. 

5. Buy Tupperware Containers
Investing in a quality set of tupperware containers is one of the smartest things you can do to prevent food wastage. For less than twenty bucks you will have a safe, effective way to preserve your leftover foods. 

When you’ve got a good set of containers you will also be more motivated to make a little more of your dinner meal and freeze it in a tupperware container for later use or simply pop it in the fridge for the next day’s lunch. 

6. Customise Your Restaurant Meals
When you’re ordering at a restaurant, whether it’s McDonalds or the most high-end dining establishments in your town, request that the food items that you know you aren’t going to eat be left out. For example, if you know you aren’t going to eat the bagel that comes with your breakfast order, simply ask them to save it. 

Wrap Up
Implement these six simple food wastage tips this week to save yourself money and make the most use of your weekly food budget. At the same time, you’ll be doing something meaningful to help out the environment. 


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