Awesome Air Bike Workout

The exercise bike represents an excellent form of cardio exercise. Of all the different types of gym bikes, the one that will give you the best workout band for your buck is undoubtedly the air bike. The main reason is that the air bike is a variable resistance machine so there is no limit to the intensity you can generate. In this article, we’ll lay out a calorie-scorching 26-minute air bike workout that will challenge every fiber of your being. 

What Makes the Air Bike so Good?
Unlike magnetic resistance exercise bikes, there is no tension adjustment on an air bike. The bike has a large fan wheel at the front which is fitted with blades. As you pedal, air resistance is generated and the harder you pedal the harder, the workout becomes. That means that there is zero downtime in having to adjust the resistance level. That can make a huge difference when you are trying to maintain your training intensity level during a workout.

The air bike will allow you to get an effective steady-state endurance-type workout. But it really shines when you are focused on short, intense workouts. When you combine these short, sharp bursts on the air bike with body weight exercises, you will get even more from the experience.

26-Minute Air Bike Body Weight Workout
In this workout, you will do 12 rounds of 40 second hard-out sprints on the air bike. After each of these sprints, you get off the bike and do a bodyweight exercise for 60 seconds. You have 20 seconds to get in position for the bodyweight move. The workout starts and finishes with a medium paced warm-up and cool down on the air bike.

That’s 26 minutes of full-on energy. At the end of it, you will be totally exhausted, having worked every muscle in your body, while maximally challenging your heart and lungs and burning a ton of calories.

The Workout

  • Warmup - 60 seconds medium intensity on the bike.

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - jumping jacks

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - high knees

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - butt kicks

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - push ups

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - wall sit

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - mountain climbers

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - inchworms

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - jumping jacks

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - high knees

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - butt kicks

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - push ups

  • 40 seconds - all-out sprint

  • 60 seconds - wall sit

  • 60 seconds - warm down

You will be really challenged by this workout. Your goal should be to maintain the intensity of your air bike sprints right through to the 12th round. Perform this workout 2 or 3 times per week on alternate days. We recommend doing your workouts first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. At that time, your muscle glycogen levels will be very low. They will soon be used up, forcing your body to use stored body fat to supply the energy you need to get through.


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