7 Simple Post Workout Stretches


There have been a lot of advances in our understanding of stretching around workouts in the last decade. It is now understood that the best type of stretching before the workout is dynamic stretching where you move a body part through its full range of motion, such as when doing arm circles. Static stretching is best done after the workout. Doing so will increase flexibility, reduce delayed onset muscle soreness and lessen the chance of injury. Here are seven simple post workout stretches to polish off your training session.

Arm Stretch
Stand with your arms at your sides and your stomach pulled in, chest expanded and spine in a neutral position (not rounded). Clasp your hands behind your back and slowly lift your arms up, keeping your elbows straight. Hold for five seconds. Repeat this stretch five times.

Tricep Stretch
Stand in a neutral position with your arms at your sides. Place your left hand behind your back so that your palm sits between your shoulder blades and your elbow points upward. Bring your right hand up behind your back and try to join hands. Hold for a count of five, then repeat with the other arm. Repeat this stretch five times.

Shoulder Circles
Stand in a neutral position with your arms level with your shoulders, extended away from your body. Keeping your shoulders relaxed, make small circles by rotating your arms backwards five times and then forwards five times. 

Neck Stretch
Sitting with your back straight and your chest lifted, clasp your hands loosely in front of you and relax your shoulders. Keeping your shoulders still, slowly incline your left ear towards your left shoulder. When you have tilted your head as far as is comfortable, hold the stretch. Repeat the stretch to the right. Repeat this stretch five times one each side. 

Hamstring Stretch
Keeping your chest lifted and your stomach taut, take a step forward with your left leg, keeping the knee straight. Bend your right knee and lean forward from the hips, lowering your chest towards your right thigh. When you feel the pull behind your thigh and knee of the straight leg, hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. Repeat this stretch five times on each leg.

Overhead Stretch
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, your back straight and your head in line with your spine. Lift your arms above your head as far as you can with your palms touching. Hold for five seconds. To extend this stretch further, ease your arms back slightly. Repeat this stretch five times on each leg. 

Standing Calf Stretch
Stand facing a wall and place your palms on it in line with your chest. Step your right leg back so that it is fully extended with your left knee slightly bent. Now lean forward to the wall, keeping your back foot completely on the floor. You should feel the stretch through your calf muscle. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds then repeat on the other leg. Repeat this stretch five times on each leg.


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