Benefits of Reformer Pilates

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The Pilates Reformer is an extremely effective versatile and safe way to exercise. In this article we find out exactly what a Pilates Reformer is and why it deserves to be a part of your workout routine. 

What is Reformer Pilates?
A Pilates Reformer is an exercise machine that is used to perform exercises in a Pilates workout. It involves a platform that moves along a track and that is connected to springs that increase the intensity of the workout. You make use of leverage, bodyweight positioning, ergonomics and spring resistance in order to move your body through a full range of motion. 

Reformer Pilates Benefits

You Improve Muscular Strength & Endurance
Working out on a Pilates Reformer is not easy. Many guys who are used to lifting weights are surprised to discover how challenging the Reformer device is to use. The resistance that is built into the machine will improve your muscular endurance, strength and size. Working out on a pilates reformer will generally develop muscles that are streamlined and less bulky than you would achieve with weights.

You Enhance Your Core Strength
Pilates exercises are slow and deliberate. The proper positioning, balance and biomechanics is largely dependent on the core being correctly aligned and tight. Almost every exercise activates the core, including the abs, intercostals, obliques and lower back muscles. 

A strong core will make you a more powerful person, with the core being the fountain from which our power is generated. It will also allow you to move more fluidly. The core is the vital link between your upper and lower body so the more powerful it is, the more agile your body will be.

You Improve Your Posture
When you train on a pilates reformer, you will do your back a lot of good. In fact, you will completely realign your spine. This will help to relieve any spinal pain issues that you may have. It will also help you to improve your posture. Using the reformer will also train you to pull your shoulders back and prevent shoulder stoop.

It Improves Your Flexibility
Reformer Pilates is one of the best forms of exercise you can do to enhance your overall flexibility. Every exercise you do on the Reformer will have your muscles travelling through a full range of motion. The more flexible you are, the greater ease with which you will be able to go about your everyday activities. It will lessen your likelihood of suffering a strain or sprain. 

It Helps You Lose Weight
Reformer Pilates is an effective fat burning exercise. You will burn a steady rate of calories as you are performing your workout and your metabolism will be elevated for some time after your session is finished. Just make sure that you are also following a low carb, reduced calorie diet to support your weight loss in conjunction with your reformer pilates workouts.

Wrap Up
Reformer Pilates is an extremely effective, challenging and time effective method of exercise. If you haven’t experienced it, we highly recommend taking in a class and discovering its benefits for yourself. It may just become your favorite form of exercise!


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