Breathing Techniques For Meditation & Mindfulness 

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Breathing is something we’ve all been doing since the moment we entered this world. So, you’d think that we’d have learned to do it right. The reality is that, while we are all able to breathe in order to preserve our lives, there are a number of ways to improve our breathing, especially when it comes to making our meditation and mindfulness practice more impactful. Let’s take a look at a half dozen breathing techniques that will help you to focus your mind and your body.

Equal Breathing
Equal breathing is a great technique to help you slow down, take stock and achieve calmness. Take a deep breath in through your nose to a four count. Now expel the air back through your nose to the same four count.

Sequence Counting
Sequence Counting is a variation of equal breathing that is often used to get into a meditative or mindful state. Breathe in through the nose for a one count. Now breathe out to a count of two. Take in another breath to a count of three and expel the air to a four count. On the next breath, take a five count to draw in the air and a six count to expel it. Then repeat the cycle, starting with a one second inhalation.

Abdominal Breathing
This is a simple breathing technique that will help you get used to the idea of deep nasal breathing. It is an effective stress releaser that can be done at any time. Place your right hand on your chest and your left hand over your stomach. Now take in a deep breathe through your nose as you feel your chest expanding. Slowly release the air.

The Bellows Breath
In contrast to most other breathing techniques, the bellows breath is designed to help increase your alertness and focus. It simply involves breathing in through your nose quickly and then quickly expelling the air again through your nose. Make sure that the intake and outflow are of the same duration. You should do this process very quickly, with the goal of getting three inhales and exhales every second. Keep going for five seconds or a total of fifteen in and out breaths.

Alternating Nostril Breathing
This technique takes a little practice to perfect but when you do it can quickly re-energize you when your energy is lagging. To do it, plug your left nostril with your left thumb. Now breathe in deeply through your right nostril. Breath out through the same nostril. Now repeat the process on the other side. 

Relaxed Breathing Technique
This is a very powerful technique that will allow you to relax and calm down in any situation. Begin by placing your tongue at the back of your teeth. Now breathe out through your mouth as you make a whoosh noise. Then, with a closed mouth, inhale through your nose to a four count. Next, hold your breath to a seven count. Finally, release the air through your nose to an eight count. 

Wrap Up
You now have a powerful arsenal of breathing techniques that you can use to help relieve stress, rebalance yourself and find calmness. Make use of them liberally to achieve mindfulness and enter into a meditative state. 


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