Andrea Love of Eatnik Food is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and nutritionist, recipe developer and food photographer from Brisbane, Australia.

Andrea is a self-taught home cook and loves to create food that makes people happy, whether it be wholesome or indulgent (or a little bit of both). Eatnik is her space to share her recipes that she hopes others will feel inspired to recreate themselves at home.

She believes that food is wonderful and has the ability to bring nothing but enjoyment to every aspect of life. It is social, artistic and creative just as much as it is sustenance – combine it with a healthy mind and lifestyle and you dramatically improve quality of life.

Follow Andrea Love of Eatnik Food on Instagram or Facebook @eatnikfood

creamy pesto chicken bagel.jpg

Sandwiches are great, they hold all the delicious things in between two slices of bread, and for something a little wild, a crunchy bread roll or chewy bagel. Make the filling to this bagel a day in advance and load up your bagel the morning of. Happy lunching.


  • 1 large chicken breast (, poached and cooled)

  • 1/3 cup low fat creamed cottage cheese

  • 1.5 tbsp basil pesto

  • 2 tbsp finely grated parmesan cheese

  • Salt and pepper (, to taste)

  • 4 bagels (, toasted and sliced in half)

  • Sliced tomato

  • Handful of rocket leaves


  1. Take two forks to the cooked and cooled chicken breast and shred. Place into a bowl.

  2. Add cottage cheese, pesto, parmesan cheese and salt and pepper. Stir to combine.

  3. On your toasted bagel, layer rocket leaves, creamy pesto chicken and sliced tomato. Serve straight away.

Serves 4. 


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