How To Make Time For Working Out When Working From Home.


Working from home has become a reality for many of us over the last few years. The transition from working in an office to having an office at home brings with it many benefits. However, there are also challenges. One of them relates to exercise. 

Previously, you may have hit the gym on your way to or from work. But now you don’t have to leave the house at all. If you’re not careful your well cultivated workout routine can soon go out the window. Here are four things you can do to make time to workout out when you’re working from home. 

Schedule Your Workouts
When you sit down at the beginning of the week with your planning diary, block out your workouts before anything else. If you’re working from home and are able to manage your own time, try to schedule your FIT time in the middle of the day. That will provide you with a mental break from your work day that you’ll find refreshing. You’ll then be able to go back to work later in the day with renewed focus and energy. 

Pair the Gym with Other Tasks
Make your gym visits more productive by pairing them with other tasks. Perhaps you can visit FIT and then do your weekly food shopping. Any errands that you’ve got to run can be paired with your FIT visit also. When you plan your week, look for opportunities to pair your FIT visits in this way and you will be more likely to follow through. 

On-Demand Classes
You may find that, because you aren’t travelling to and from work and stopping at FIT enroute anymore, it is a bit of an inconvenience to get in the car and drive to us. Fortunately, you can participate our on-demand online gym sessions without even leaving your home. Via our FITLIFE platform all members have access to hundreds of on-demand online training classes across a range of workout types to allow you to get your sweat on at home, for those days when you don’t leave the house.

Reward Yourself with a Workout
If you are following a productive, well structured workout program then you will be enjoying your training sessions. Your workouts are the time of the day when you are working on maintaining the most important thing you possess - your body.

When you are making your way through your work tasks, set your workout as a reward. Let’s say that you’ve got to write a 1,000 word report. That might take a couple of hours to complete. So, schedule your workout once the task is completed. This will act as a motivator to help you get through the task.

Train During Off Peak Times
When you’re working out of an office, you will probably find yourself turning up to the gym during peak times. Whether it’s before or after work, you’ll find yourself competing with a gym full of people for the amount of equipment on offer. However, when you work from home, you are able to choose when you go to the gym. 

Training during off peak times, such as between 10am and 2pm, will allow you to benefit from a far less crowded environment. The difference that training during off peak times will make to the quality of your workout will motivate you to get to the gym when you’re working from home. 


